Despite the fact that I just want to sleep here, I still stood up and stretched my arms, "I'll go now, my daughter is waiting for me."

They stood up as well and we changed our outfit first, from uniform to casual clothes in our locker room. I walked out and saw Takashi leaning on his car while scrolling through his phone.

"Hey, why are you here?" I greeted him

"To pick you up, of course," he answered and opened the door for me, "I know you're tired, it's the least that I could do."

I smiled at him and went in. The moment I got inside, I leaned my head on the window and fell asleep immediately. He just woke me up when we're outside our house. My mom got used to his presence already, since almost every day he visits to play with Mika, so I invited him to dinner as a thank you as well.

I took a shower first to wash away the dirt in my body, Mika is sickly and might acquire different illnesses from me.

Mikey picks Mika up from school and takes her to the park for her to play, and if he isn't available, Takashi would do it for him. Takashi on the other hand would pick me up, either from school or from the hospital. He even has my schedule on his lockscreen, down bad.

"I'll wash the plates, you should rest," he told my mom and my mom was about to decline but he brought it to the sink already

"Well then, I'll go to sleep now, okay?" mom announced and kissed me on the cheek then bent down to kiss Mika, "goodnight princess!"

"Goodnight grammi!" she said and my mom went up while Mika watched some kids show

I went to the kitchen and leaned my cheek on Takashi's shoulder, "thank you."

"Hmm? For what?" he asked while washing the plates

"For everything," I answered

He would always go out his way for us, he would always do things for us to make it easier. His only responsibility is to be a father to Mika, since we're not together anymore but he always looks after me as well.

He kissed my head, "you don't have to thank me, I'm not doing this out of obligation."

I smiled, "I know, but still."

He just chuckled and we stayed like that until somebody tried to get in between us, "Miwa join!"

We laughed and I carried her and sat her on the sink while Takashi arranged the plates on the dryer

"How about you, little bee, how's your day?" Takashi asked and kissed Mika on her cheek

"Dada, there's a girl who always pick fight with Miwa," she said which made me stare at her, "the girl from the park dada, she always fight me."

"Yua?" Takashi confirmed and Mika nodded

"But it's othay! Miwa will just be good wike what mama said!" she smiled but I felt bad for her

We tucked her to bed and waited for her to sleep before we went out

"Takashi, can I talk to Hayami?" I asked him and he looked at me, "she just won't stop, she keeps using Yua to push Mika's buttons. I don't want it to happen again."

When she couldn't breathe well because she was crying, I hated the sight of that. I hated how scary it was for me

But the fact that I'm not around her to defend her is way more scarier

"I'll talk to her first, hmm?" he said and held both of my hands, "I'll do everything to make Yua forget about what Hayami fed her mind. I know she will listen to me."

I sighed and nodded, I don't want to hate on a kid for fuck sake!

The next day was another struggle for me since we had long quizzes in all subjects! I had to read endless words the whole night even though I'm so tired already!

When I was on my last subject and was reviewing for it, I received a call from an unknown number. I didn't pick it up, it could be a prank or something.. but I wish I did.

After my exam, I saw a lot of missed calls from Mikey and Takashi. I immediately called Takashi back and he picked up, "are you still in school?"

"Yes, what happened?" I asked, my heart beating so fast

Before he could answer, Draken stopped in front of me in his motorbike, handing me a helmet. I dropped the call and wore the helmet before riding his bike.

"What happened? Where are we going?"

"Mika is in the ICU right now," he answered and my heart sank

ICU? Mika?

I couldn't think straight when we stopped in front of a hospital, I quickly ran towards the ICU and saw Takashi and Mikey on the waiting room

"W-what happened.." I asked, fear laced in my voice

Takashi hugged me while trying to calm me down, Mikey also handed me a bottle of water which I drank from. I looked at Takashi again, this time feeling calmer than a while ago

"Takashi, what happened?"

"I'm sorry, Y/N-chin," Mikey spoke up, "I got twenty five minutes late in picking her up, and Hayami picked Yua up. She told Mika different insults and even slapped her and pushed her to the ground before leaving. Mika had a hard time breathing and nobody saw her right away. When I got there, she was already unconscious."

I sat down on the hospital floor, feeling nothing but anger. She really took this far this time, I can't just sit back.

"Hey," I looked back when I heard Chieko's voice, she's holding a brown envelope and handed it to Takashi, "you should read this."

Takashi opened the envelope and read it. After a few seconds, he's gripping on it too tight.

"What is it?" I asked, almost in a whisper tone. Chieko held me and helped me stand up

"I already had my doubts, but it's finally confirmed, huh?" everyone was looking at him, as if asking him what is inside, "Yua.. is not really my daughter."

AT THE WRONG TIME || Takashi Mitsuya ficWhere stories live. Discover now