I look and softly join our lips, I feel his smile against my lips as his hand caresses my cheek.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you princess." Damien says with a smile.


"Thank you to all of you for being this supportive, I wouldn't have made it without you guys." Damien says smiling, he takes my hand in his.

James gives us both a quizzical look. "Well we're your friends and would do anything for you guys."

"What's wrong?" Liv asks worried, she is currently eating icecream straight from the tub.

"We want to leave, make a life for ourselves, away from all this." Damien says. "James I want you take over me." James falls of his chair in shock, Drew laughs at him.

"Did I just hear that correctly?" James asks in shock, Damien nods. "No fucking way, you're for real serious?" Both of us nod excitedly.

"What about you two, what will you two be doing?" Liv asks excited, Damien smiles at me.

"We'll be moving away from town, starting our life somewhere else, go on adventures, start a family sometime in the future." Damien says.
Liv shrieks and hugs us both tightly, Drew and James join in on the hug.

"When are you leaving?" Drew asks.

"Tomorrow, right after the wedding." I say excitedly, Liv squashes me in another hug.

"Again guys, thank you so much for everything you guys have done, if we're ever in need than we'll only be a phone call away." Damien says smiling.

"We have a wedding tomorrow." James cheers.


I sigh exhausted as I flop down on the bed. "Bloody blueberries, I am exhausted." I say yawning.

Damien chuckles and hands me his pyjama shirt. "We need sleep, a few more hours and it's our wedding."

"I'm too tired to change, I just went to the bathroom now and I just found my comfortable spot." I say groaning, Damien gets on the bed and than hovers himself over me, our chests are pressed together.

"My shirt is so much more comfortable." Damien says smirking.

"It wouldn't change the fact that I am still way too tired to change." I say and close my eyes, I feel Damien stirring and sitting up.

"I guess I'll just have to do it for you than." My eyes quickly open to find a great Damien above me, his hands slowly go to my t-shirt and he popped the first button open, my heart was beating so fast, I am pretty sure he can hear it too.

The second button was popped open, I was literally struggling for air already, Damien smirks and moves to the third button and pops it open, my fourth button, he was already right on my bra.

"Breathe princess." Damien says with a chuckle, he caresses my cheek and moves to the fifth button, every time his hand made contact with my bare skin, shivers ran up spine.

"Can you blame me, my brain has been fried." I say breathless, his hand rest in my belly button, right on the sixth button.

"Breathe princess, close your eyes, relax." Damien says with a chuckle, I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out, than I feel his lips softly on mine, I gasp and he deepens the kiss, my hands tangle themselves in his hair.

"Sit up princess." Damien says against my lips and helps me sit up and doesn't break the kiss, I feel my shirt slide off my shoulders and than he unclips my bra and lets it fall off. "Relax and pull away." I pull away and he slides his shirt over my head than smirks. "Now for your jeans." Damien whispers in my ears, my whole body seems electrified.

He gently makes me lay down. "Breathe princess." Damien says with a chuckle, I glare at him.

"Given this thingy, this situation, how is someone just supposed to be even breathing." I ramble and cover my face with my hands, Damien removes my hands from my face, a huge smile danced on his lips, he kisses the tip of my nose softly.

"First, you said that sentence completely wrong and second, I can let you go and change yourself if you want." Damien says smiling.

I bite my lip. "What if I don't have the body that you want in a girl?" I ask confused and sad, I know that I don't have the body of a model and it has never actually crossed my head until now.

"You're beautiful princess just the way you are, you shouldn't be ashamed of your body, you shouldn't worry about what others think of you." Damien says smiling, I sigh and sit up.

"I don't worry but right now you can literally have any girl in the world, you could be happier with someone who isn't broken like me." I say feeling down. "You could be getting married to anyone else." I say and get out of bed.

"Princess I love you, not anyone else, I am happy with you." Damien says reassuringly, I frown and head to the bathroom, I remove the jeans, wash my face, take a few deep breaths in and than walk out.

Damien was laying on his back and staring at the ceiling, I sigh and get on the bed, I snuggle my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I say, Damien kisses my head and pulls me closer.

"You shouldn't be apologising princess, especially not for speaking your thoughts, I love you no matter what." Damien says. "Now you should probably get some sleep."

"I love you pumpkin." I say and close my eyes, a couple minutes pass of deadly silence before Damien chuckles.

"What are you thinking off, clearly you're not sleeping?" Damien says laughing, I open my eyes and gasp at him.

"I was trying to sleep but apparently I am not tired enough to be sleeping." I say with a frustrated sigh and lay my head back on his chest.

"Tell me what you're thinking off!" Damien says as he softly plays with my hair.

"When did you realise that you had feelings for me?" I ask curiously.

"Well that's an easy question, the first night on the rooftop, that's when I knew that I was going to fall for you and I realized that I had fallen for you when I showed you my apartment." Damien says proudly.

"Why didn't you do anything?" I say and yawn.
Damien chuckles and drops a kiss on my head.

"Sleep princess, I love you."

"I love you more pumpkin. " I say as sleep takes over me.

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