Chapter 36

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Damien is up in an instant, his body tense, his grip on my hand tight as he keeps me behind him.

"Fuck, I can't see anything, it's too dark." Damien says staring down from the roof, more gunshots filled the air, Damien doesn't let go of my hand as we make our way down, the gunshots get louder the moment we cross the door, a man appears out of nowhere and Damien elbows him and knees him on the stomach, the guy falls down with a grunt.

I feel my heart rate increase. "It has to be The Ravens." I say slightly panicked, Damien turns to me, his face is a mixture of confusion and rage, I stare up at his stormy gray eyes.

"Remember what I thought you the other day in boxing, I need you to use it if we separate." Damien says calmly, I nod and we carry on running towards the noise, more unknown men come out of nowhere and Damien knocks them all unconscious.

We finally get to the living room where most of the gunshots were coming from, Damien kept me behind his back the whole time, his hand gripped mine, I gasped and staggered back slightly as my gaze fell on Liam sitting on the couch, looking bored but interested.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" Damien asks angry, Liam rolls his eyes and stands up.

"I'm here for something that was mine." Liam says with a shrug, his eyes stay on me as I feel my anger rising.

"There's nothing yours here, get the fuck out." Damien says tense, Liam sighs and whistles, a couple seconds later a couple more men walk in with Davina on gunpoint, a droplet of blood rolls down her head.

Damien goes hot with rage, his eyes glimmer with a blazing anger.
2 men drag in an unconscious James in, his cheek badly bruised.

"I am going to kill you, I will fucking rip your head off." Damien says through gritted teeth, Liam chuckled.

"Hand Lea over and your buddies here will live, you wouldn't want your sister to die now would you, for a girl you only just met a couple months ago." Liam says with an evil smile, he pulls out a gun from his back and points it at Davina, she glares at him. "It's your choice Damien, Lea or your sister."

"What happened to you just using her?" Damien asks angry.

"Oh don't worry, we still do need her, I am actually pretty sure you know, we want to merge The Ravens with The Snakes." Liam says with a smirk, my heart stops beating and the world around stands still for a moment.

"You're not fucking taking her, I am not going to let you merge with her." Damien says defiantly.

"Alright than in that case." Liam says with a shrug and loads his gun and putting his finger on the trigger.

"Wait, I'll come with, let them go." I say angry, Damien snaps towards me.

"He fucking wants to marry you and you'll just go." Damien says angry.

"I will not let you guys sacrifice yourselves for me." I retort back.

"I am not letting you step out of this house just to go marry the fucking asshole." Damien says angry.

"Just get it over with and let her come." Liam says in a bored tone, Damien glares at him and turns his attention back to me.

"I will be fine pumpkin." I say softly, Damien caresses my cheek, he says a low "fuck" and connects our lips in heart melting kiss.

When he breaks the kiss we're both panting and our chests are rising up and down.

"I will find you princess and I will make sure that they pay, we will end this war together and you will find your happiness, I love you, I will not stop looking for you no matter how long it takes." Damien says just above a whisper, I feel my tears roll down my eyes and he wipes them away.

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