Chapter 13

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"Tell Liam I love him!"

It all happened fast, I tried shooting but the gun was still stuck, the men burst out laughing before one of them snatched the gun from my hand and another one pushed me against the wall and started choking me.

The phone fell down and I can hear Andrew screaming something but my brain can't process.

"Boss said we weren't supposed to hurt her yet!" One of the guys says, the guy choking me smirks and leans closer, close enough that he can brush his nose on my neck. "We can't hurt her!" The guy says again.

"Alright than, we just shoot her somewhere." He says excitedly, but instead of pointing the gun at me he points it at the phone, Andrew is still screaming and swearing, and he shoots.

A loud bang causes my ears to start ringing, the man choking me says something else but I can't hear, the next thing I see is him lifting his gun and bangs it on the side of my head and instantly pass out.


I groan as I feel the pain rupture through my head and flooding it in waves of throbbing pain.

"She is waking up!" I hear a distant voice say.

I let my eyes adjust to the light, I try to move but my hands and feet are tied to the chair, there's no one but there's a camera right in front of me.

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs making my heart beat faster, I try to squirm out of the chair but the stupid rope won't budge, I shut my eyes tightly.

"I thought I said that I don't want her injured!" I hear a guy saying, he sounds angry and cold. "Untie her now!" He bellows to someone.

I keep my eyes shut tightly closed as I feel someone untying the ropes. The moment the ropes fell off, I put my feet up on the chair and hugged my knees to my chest as I go through my usual breathing routine.

"Deep apologies about that Mrs. Davis!" I slowly open my eyes only to find a guy wearing a full black suit, his aura literally screams trouble, he is kneeling right in front of me, his eyes are the colors of the sky just before a huge storm, something that might burst any time and cause lots of panic and tremor to anyone.

I feel my breathing go shallow again, he is standing too close and there are no windows in this dam basement making it much more difficult to breathe.

"Just please let me go!" I say shaky, my voice breaks a little, the guy doesn't say anything, he gets up and extends his arm out.

"You're obviously claustrophobic by the way you're turning really pale!" The guy says smirking, his voice has no humor whatsoever.

You need air before you pass out again.

I sigh before hooking my elbow with his and he leads me up the stairs.

"Why am I here, just let me go home!" I say annoyed.

"We have a mutual interest Mrs. Davis!" He says with a smirk.

"I don't even know you and stop calling me that!" I say gritting my teeth.

"Well what else am I supposed to call you than, we will be seeing each other a lot from now on!" He says with a smirk.

"Just take me home, my friends are worried!" I say sighing.

"Alright than, I guess I have to send you home, I was hoping to tell you more about your friends and their betrayal!" The guy says with a shrug.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Oh silly me, I have been talking to you for t minutes and still haven't even introduced myself!" The guy says letting go of my elbow and standing right in front of me. "I am Damien Hammett, I am the leader of the scorpions!" He says with a small bow.

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