Chapter 25

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Blood, so much blood, I look around me and see everyone I love on the floor, their bodies limp, I try to scream for help and nothing happens.
"I had no choice." I quickly spin around to find his ocean blue eyes staring into mine as he pulls the trigger.

I gasp awake, heart beating faster than its usual pace, sweating, tears were streaming down my face and I wipe them away.

I look around and realize I'm still on the floor and the whole room is wrecked, I stuff all my emotions inside and make my way to the bathroom, a fresh pair of clothes sits on the cupboard.

I hop in the shower as I wash away the blood and filth that was on me, the boiling hot water making my cuts sting and yet I feel numb.

I finish the shower, get dressed and leave the room, I wander around hoping to find the room where Drew is in when voices, yelling get my attention and I follow it.

"We're not fucking doing that Davina!" Damien yells angry. I peep my head through quietly, the girl whom drove me here stares at Damien with anger and frustration.

"We tried going your way the last time and who got in the middle." The girl, Davina, says hurt and angry, Damien's expression softens for a bit before he puts back his stone cold emotional face.

"We're sending them away." Damien says in a this-is-over tone, I walk in and both of their heads snap towards me.

"If you're talking about us, we're not going away." I say with a straight face, Davina the girl leaves with a small nod, closing the door behind her, leaving Damien and I in the office.

"It's a good thing I wasn't asking for your opinion princess." Damien says with a smirk.

"I am not leaving until I get what I need." I say frustrated.

"Don't you get it princess, you're just a dead weight here, a distraction, the further you are the better, at least that way we won't have to worry about a weak and small thing like you." Damian says walking toward me and stopping right in front of me.

"I want answers now!" I say determined, Damien smirks.

"Not telling you anything, you see right, there's a high possibility that you actually are allies with Liam, I'm not risking it so I'm sending you guys away, that way I will have less to worry about." Damien says and turns to pour himself a drink.

I clench my fists. "My dad died because of this gang war, my brother died, you killed him, I had no part in this and when I ask for questions you blame me, last I checked you're the one who pulled the trigger on Connor!" The next thing I see is Damien hurling is cup across the room, nearly hitting my head, breaking it into a thousand pieces causing me to flinch.

Anger, rage, frustration, guilt reflected in his eyes.

"Your dad died because you were too blindly in love, your dad suspected Liam but your stupid ignorant brain was just so head over heels with him!" Damian says raising his voice with every word, I feel the tears threatening to roll down.

"That's not true, my dad died because of this rivalry." I say unsure, my voice breaks, Damien lets out a chuckle.

"Your dad died because of your ignorance and fucking stupidity, I am pretty sure that if Liam had to come here and say he's sorry you'll go running right back to him, I may have killed Connor but you're the reason your father is dead!" Tears start rolling down my cheeks.

"At least I have a heart unlike you." I say before marching out.

Damien's POV

"That was very shitty of you." My sister says from the doorway, I sigh and sit down on the chair.

"How much of that did you eavesdrop?" I ask slightly frustrated, she sighs before standing behind me and massaging my shoulders.

"Everything." She says with a shrug.

"She can't stay here and you know, it might just cause unexpected and unwanted distractions." I say closing my eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier, there's just a lot to handle."

"Maybe having her here might help with that!" I can literally hear her smile.

"No, you're not playing cupid here, she needs to step away from all this." Davina chuckles causing me to open my eyes.

"You do know that it's her life and she can decide for herself, if she wants to help I don't see why you wouldn't let her and not to forget the fact that the pretty boy still has a sweet spot for her, push the right strings and their plans might collapse." Davina says with her I-am-right face.

"Fine you have a point there, but I still think we shouldn't have her here." I say before leaning back again and closing my eyes.

Lea's POV

I finally find the room where Drew is in. I knock on the door and slowly peak inside. He sighs in relief when he sees me and engulfs me in a hug.

"Did you sleep alright, have you eaten, has Damien said or annoyed or done anything foolish?" Drew rambles, I pull back as I let a smile form.

"I haven't eaten anything, I slept fine and Damien was just being Damien." Drew gave me a quizzical look. "I'm fine, I'll be fine Drew." I say before sitting down on the couch. "How is she?" I ask changing the subject.

"Same as last night, sleeping beauty still." Drew says with a sigh.

"Have you tried kissing her, maybe she will wake up?" I ask with a chuckle.

"If Connor was here I would have asked him to do it." Drew says smiling.

"She loves you, she did love Connor but she loves you." I say patting his shoulder.

"I know she loves me but if Connor was here, she would pick him and honestly I would have let her go because I love her." Drew says sadly.

"Did you get enough sleep Drew, you seem pretty drunk?" I ask concerned.

"I just wasn't sure if sleeping was a good idea, I was worried about her and you and everything else had my mind running." Drew says exhausted.

"Get some sleep Drew, I'll stay up and if anything happens, I will wake you up." Drew looks unsure for a second before sighing.

"Alright, don't forget to wake me up." Drew says before laying down on the big couch.

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