Chapter 50

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I felt the car tumble through the road, I heard my screams, I felt the pain, I heard Damien yelling for me as he threw himself over me, shielding my body with his, I shut my eyes tightly closed, I felt the car hit something really hard and than stop.

My whole body ached, my brain begged me to to shut down.
"Princess, can you open your eyes, come on fight it." Damien says, I hear the panic and fear and worry in his voice, I groan and open my eyes.

I see stars, they looked so bright, I ignore the pain as I sit up, I feel my own panic and worry increase as Damien lays on the ground, I quickly rush to him, my dress is weighing me down.

"Pumpkin come on keep your eyes open." I say panicking, Damien coughs as his stormy gray eyes stare at me slightly dazed, there's a big cut on his chest, the blood won't stop gushing out, a piece of glass is sticking out of it, I ignore the blood that is gushing out of my own small cuts.

"I can't breathe." Damien says hoarse, his eyes roll to the back.

"No no no, you're not leaving me pumpkin, come on, fight this." I say as tears just roll down my cheeks, I yell for help but there's no one around.

"Princess, I need you to promise me something." Damien says clasping my hand in his.

"Please don't Damien, please don't do that alright, you'll be fine." I say sobbing.

"I want you to live your life." Damien says coughing some more. "Please Lea, do it for me." Damien says. "I love you, more than you can imagine, I love you Lea."
His eyes roll to the back, his pulse gets weaker and weaker, his hand goes limp on my side.

"Damien no please, you promised me you wouldn't leave, you promised me a happy ending, I can't live without you, please just please come back to me." I say pulling his head closer to my chest. "Please." I say one last time even though I know full well that there's nothing I can do.

I go back to when I first met him, than the dinner, than when he saved me, than the rooftop dance, the moments we had in the apartment, our promises, our wishes, the wedding.

"I won't leave you, I will never want to leave you."

"Marry me princess, I love you with every inch of me, I don't want another reason to be separated from you, be my wife."

"Princess I love you, not anyone else, I am happy with you."

"Because princess, when I do go further, I want it to be memorable, not just so that we can forget, I want to kiss every inch of your bare skin, I want to love you over and over and over again, I want to show you the stars as you reach the high, I want you to feel me inside you as I rock you to heaven more than once, our scents entwined together."

"I am not leaving you princess alright, no matter what happens, I will be there with you, nothing is going to keep me away from you,

A scream shatters through me, I can't breathe or think, I let myself cry as I feel myself crumble to dust.
"I love you, you're my universe." I say, my tears fall down landing on his cheek, I don't want to let go, I don't want to live in a world where he isn't there.

I sit there on the road, not caring about the fact that the car had been thrown and was leaking gas, my tears didn't stop, I felt waves of darkness just wash over me.

I hear a car and people murmuring, than a few minutes later sirens, I looked around the circle of people.

"Ma'am, what's your name and what happened?" One of the police ladies ask, I try to speak and tell her what happened but I can't, so I just pull him closer to me.

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