end notes

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this took around a year to complete. JEEZUZ

Mental health made this sooooo fricking hard to do. but aye11!!!11! tis' finished. 

I do have some deleted scenes which I may post...Including Ryunosuke's last scene (which I made THREE different versions for, but I figured this one was the best) and a dancing scene between the two which was originally supposed to show Ryunosuke's mental instability, but I thought it was a bit too unhinged for his character so I left it out. (even though DAYUM it was pretty fucking epic).

Shoutout to my sister who throughout the entire series told me "KILL ATSUSHI INSTEAD"

and continued to say "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD"



I knew from very early stages on in the making of this that Ryunosuke was in fact going to commit near the end. How I made his character in this was a big reflection on how my mental health was at the time. I had a lot of suicidal ideations of jumping of a building and for Ryunosuke's death I originally wanted to glamourize the idea of his suicide. How he got to himself before anyone (including his illness) could!

I also really wanted to do more backstory on him as a character. I in fact have a whole backstory, but I decided not to squeeze it into here because you all are here for shin soukoku, not the characters I've made them to be. 

I also wished sooooo much I had more time to focus on the Ougai family since they had so many interesting ties to Ryunosuke's backstory/childhood and I also wanted to show more of their complicated family dynamic I'd made for them. I wish I had more time with the decay of angels too!! I also would have put in more scenes from the school because I made a whole system for the school and I was so happy with it. I like wanted to have more memorable school scenes AND as a reference to the first chapter, karaoke in the library! But this ended things off more nicely I guess.

I wanted to show how things can go to hell so suddenly.. #sodeep #notlikeotherwattpadfanfics

also credits to my sister, cat, other cat, evil guinea pig, and that one citrus poster I have next to my bed of Yuzu staring into my soul. 

See you guys in the future! Love ya'll <3

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