17.5 ~ hidden note

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Something about dying sounds so peaceful. Finally close your eyes and rest, never having to worry again.

Every day I tried to express the want to do that, but no matter what I drew or wrote, my emotions as strong as they are could never be released. Over time, I've figured it's simply easier to release emotions in actions. If I screamed and cried, If I broke stuff, people knew I was angry, If I sobbed, people knew I was sad. But nobody can know how much I wanted to die. How every dream I'd dreamt would end with me dying in a bed of roses and no longer having to suffer from myself and my past that haunts me. The feeling of being at peace with oneself, well, everyone wants it. But how one obtains it and shows it to the world is different. I've tried, but maybe the only way to express myself and finally be at peace is to let it all go to rest. I've always wondered why humans are simply put here to die and look back only to notice the miserable lives they had led, It's sad. In fact, I pity myself for not thinking that life is worth it. One day, I'll figure out this place. But I won't be on it when I do.

~Akutagawa Ryunosuke,

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