14. Eternal slumber party.

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OH BOY ITS BEEN FOREVER.. I love you guys btw. Thanks for waiting. He is another chapter. Also, I have a twitter now yay. if you want to follow me I'm @unkowling and post random stuff that's sometimes related to what I write.



"God, it's cold today." A boy said, running beside another boy's side.

"What do you mean? It's cold every day."




'Damn he's hot.' Chuuya quietly thought to himself only to stop in his tracks.



Caught in between thoughts that fought each other, he stared endlessly at the brunet. Trying to decide if he should take that back or not. Because he was sure as hell it was true, but he doesn't want that on display...I mean, there are children reading this..

But then again... Everyone knew.

It was a pretty normal day. Besides that, Atsushi and Ryunosuke are running around like a married couple trying to pack everything up to leave for their trip...Besides that. It was normal. Summer break had just started, therefore summer depression had just begun. But he felt it'd be much different now that he was actually in a relationship.

Who knows...Sleeping in and getting those well-deserved cuddles may be worth it.

And you can be sure as hell there will be theme park dates. Especially with such a nearby theme park in Yokohama. Chuuya was off the hook since his dad was out of state with Elise to introduce her to her new school. Which he hadn't heard back from his father in days. He texted him to ask how she was doing, but he never replied. But Chuuya's stress could easily fade as it wasn't uncommon for his father to never answer texts.

Besides that, it was hot.

Really hot.

And yeah, he was talking about Dazai.

But also the temperature....

Mostly Dazai.

His face sunk into the kitchen counter with a long groan and a sigh afterward.

"What's wrong Chibi-chan?" Dazai asked, placing his chin on the counter to get to Chuuya's height. And wow, he felt short...

"Summer blues." The redhead muttered.

"How can you be sad about summer break start? It's the best time of the year! Going to the pool~ oh! Or even the beach~!" The brunet exclaimed with excitement. Chuuya glared at him until he got the drift and realized. "Well.." Dazai's voice sank. "We don't have to go outside." He said quietly. He knew summer was usually around the time Chuuya's confidence completely plummeted. He'd always had troubles with body image but it got worse around the summer. Ads of men with muscles in those showy clothes and beaches full of people with more build than Chuuya. He already can't stand wearing shorts. Just being in others' view, he could feel stares on him, voices echoing in whispers and giggles. It'd developed from a rough past of bullying. Chuuya was undoubtedly a very attractive person.

"No...I want to...I really want to feel better." Chuuya searched for the right words, already shaking just from the small thoughts of being seen in a swimsuit. He'd already had multiple panic attacks at beaches...

"It's good to work towards getting better, but don't push yourself too much." Dazai pulled Chuuya into a warm hug. The redhead moved in closer, smelling the scent of the brunet's "special" sea urchin deodorant he got as a joke a while back.

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