15. Sunflower sunsets

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I remember being young and looking up at the sky. Even when it was cold it felt warm because the night sky was like a dark blue blanket that shielded me from the winter. Stupidly enough...Sometimes I'd walk outside barefoot in the middle of the night. I remember one night I ran out of the orphanage after my dad fell asleep and went on a walk. It was a warm kind of night with a cool breeze and I'd always enjoyed taking walks at night. That one night I was just walking, nothing was out of the ordinary. But after a while, my eyes caught a glimpse of a shooting star. I hadn't been looking at where I was going and bumped into someone. I quickly apologized and looked up to see them. Their appearance was unkempt, hair messy and arms scattered in bruises. They were doused in blood, seemingly of their own but something told me it wasn't only from themselves. They looked scared, dripping in undeniable fear as they quickly scattered away. But behind them, they dropped a small piece of paper. On it we're drawings of roses surrounding two figures that held hands and both figures shared a bright smile. Outside of the flowers was an abundant amount of black paint layered and layered until it almost ripped the paper. On the other side of the paper in poor handwriting was 'happy birthday!' with a bunch of hearts and smiling faces. It made me smile a bit, even though a sense of worry and dread crept up within me, I still smiled at it. A sudden breeze picked up however, washing the piece of paper and memories away. I reached up to grab it, failing. I'd watched it fly away, but for whatever reason a sudden sense of determination took on young me at the time and I ran to go grab it. It led me through the sidewalk into the forest where it finally got caught in a pine tree. I stood there, not really sure what to do but quickly grabbed a stick and pulled it down. It was ripped into three pieces and all scratched up but I still kept it. It wasn't that the art was good, or that the picture held any meaning to me necessarily. It was just some sense of wanting to keep it. Some of the foolish intuition and instincts kids get when they're young and believe in. Ever since that day though, I've kept it. And it's still so strange. I've thrown out childhood stuffed animals, my own old drawings, etc. But I could never bring myself to throw out that one drawing. It just felt wrong every time I thought about it being gone forever.




"Woahh London is just so pretty!" I exclaimed with a deep exhale, roaming around the fresh pavement only to almost trip on a rock.

"Be careful now.." Ryunosuke said with a light smile as he followed behind me.

"But isn't it just so amazing!!? I haven't been here in like...Years!" I giggled. I slowed down and walked next to Ryuu, holding his hand with excitement. He pushed back strands of his hair, looking at me. It made my cheeks heat up a bit with a smile showing from ear to ear.

"It really is beautiful. Shall we check into our hotel?" He asked softly. I quickly nodded.

"And then can we get food?" I asked like an excited child.

"Of course." He said. We both made our way to the hotel which wasn't that far away. It had the most beautiful lobby with a pretty elevator. The hallways had soft carpet with a pretty rose pattern wallpaper. Our room was just one bed, yet I didn't really mind. I set my suitcase onto the bed, not really wanting to unpack yet.

Ryunosuke opened up the shades revealing a beautiful view of downtown London. You could just watch for hours as those iconic pretty red buses passed by and the streets kept busy all day and night long.

"Where should we eat?"

"Anywhere works." Ryunosuke said with a yawn as he crashed onto the bed.


"Sure. Can we go in a bit though?"

"Of course, I could use some rest too." I said with a small yawn of my own. I laid down on the bed as well, sinking onto the comfortable mattress. You'd never really expect hotel beds to be so comfy. I opened my phone, looking through twitter and stuff until a message popped through. It was from Chuuya. I wasn't necessarily surprised, though it's usually Dazai when he's stolen Chuuya's phone to text me weird stuff.

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