17. ~ The bathroom tiles

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"Ooo! Look at another cute shop!" The silver-haired boy beamed.

The two had been endlessly shopping for the past few hours and Ryunosuke's feet were starting to hurt like hell. God, you know you're in love when you just keep going for them. It didn't hurt as much as it used to though because every time he saw Atsushi's smile it'd take a bit of the pain away.

Though it was starting to get dark and cloudy outside. It was getting more threatening by the moment as you could hear thunder in the distance starting to act up. Ryunosuke, stacked with bags holding him down by at least 20 pounds (compared to his frail body weighing around 60 pounds, this hurt more than a beating from your asian parent). He'd started to notice, but kept going.

Atsushi however was completely oblivious. He tends to be so it wasn't exactly uncommon. He's always been the...distracted type, and Ryunosuke took note of that. Bringing it upon himself, he finally stopped Atsushi in his tracks.

"I think It's going to start raining soon, do you think we should maybe head back?" After a long blank stare from Atsushi, he looked up to the sky blinking a couple times in astonishment.

"Oh," His mouth hung wide open as a droplet of water fell square onto his face making him flinch. "I didn't notice.."

And of course within a moment it started pouring like Satan started the shower again.

The two, soaking wet, stood there for a moment, taking in the realization.

A long sigh released from Atsushi's lips,

"..Can you hold some of these bags?" Ryunosuke finally asked in moments of silence. They were now soaking wet as well, puddles forming inside of them making them ultimately heavier.

Without another word, the other just grabbed them with a desolate expression.

"We should go find some shade.."


The two ended up sitting underneath the hood of a bus stop, wringing out their wet clothing.

"Y'know we could stand in the rain like crazy people," Atsushi suggested with a playful smirk.

"But it's cold."

Atsushi shrugged.

"Building up pain tolerance ya know?" Atsushi got up to stretch,

Ryuu let out a snort, nodding as he got up.

"Well?" Atsushi held out his hand to the other, soft palms with a blush across them and a bandaid slipping off slightly that had been wrapped tightly around his knuckle.

Ryunosuke smiled softly, placing his frail bony hand in the others without hesitation.

The sudden pull Atsushi gave almost made Ryuu lose balance, he walked proudly into the rain, taking in the freezing temperatures.

"Ah, I love walking in the freezing cold rain!" Atsushi giggled, giving open arms to the shower above him. And Ryunosuke surely followed behind, cringing as the cold rain hit him. "You know," Atsushi broke through the cold pain he felt, "An Adele song would go really nicely with this." He finished, hearing a small bit of laughter emit from the other.

"Adele? I'd have to disagree and say that one song by Rihanna."

"Rihanna? Rihanna?" Atsushi said disbelievingly. "No no, Adele is ten times better." Ryuu scoffed, "Don't scoff at me!" Atsushi spat playfully, "Plus we don't even have an umbrella!"

Ryuu just shrugged, looking up to the sky and catching rain in his mouth like he used to as a kid. It tasted kind of salty for whatever reason...

"Well there's no fire in the rain either."

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