5 ~ Angels weren't meant to fly, they were meant to fall.

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QUICK NOTE: If you haven't read the manga, these new character's may be confusing. You cant check out their wiki and whatnot. But I couldn't make a fanfic without Nikolai and Sigma :>. (psst, nikolai is a lil' cute.)

It was a Monday. Beautiful outside, birds chirping, and that small breeze that felt nice in your hair. The long and tall halls of the school were crowded with more chatter than usual though. Which Atsushi who was just on his way to English class was completely confused about.

"Hey have you heard?" One of the girls murmured to the boy next to them. Atsushi looked over, listening to the conversation. It was a girl with long red hair in braids in it with a green jacket Atsushi had never seen before.

"What? I noticed people chatting a lot." The other one responded. They wore the same jacket. 'Probably from another class' Atsushi thought to himself. He had light green eyes and brown hair with his jacket unbuttoned and tie undone giving off a let loose aurora.

"The top three in the state are gonna be stopping by..." The girl said, with a competitive and intriguing smile on her face.

"The Decay of angels...?" The boy stared disbelievingly.

"Mhm. Nikolai visits annually, but this time all three are coming by"


"Because they wanna test this prestigious school's teaching abilities.."

"How will they do that?"

"Only the principal knows!" Atsushi stared at the two for a moment. He began walking in a hurry to his class but the words stuck in his head. He couldn't help but be curious. He'd for sure heard of the top three. They were famous for being the smartest in anything academic, all of them attended another school in Tokyo.

"Students of Ougai academy, we apologize for the interference but may we gain your attention." The speaker above them spoke. Everyone naturally stopped speaking mid sentence and went completely silent. "Right when lunch starts, report to the theater immediately." When the speaker turned off chatting ensured right after but now it became more so whispers as everyone ran to class.

Lunchtime soon came around. Everyone made a rush to the theater. Atsushi walked into the large crowded space, peeking his head around the chair aisles.

"Atsushi!" Dazai waved his hand high, signalling Atsushi to a seat next to him. The boy smiled, quickly running over to sit next to Dazai. Ryunosuke, Chuuya, Gin, and Higuchi were also there.

"What's going on?" Atsushi asked, his face turning into a stare as he glared at the empty stage where lights were placed heavily on.

"You haven't heard?"

"I heard something about the top three in the State..."

"This is a rare occasion. Usually Nikolai comes around to play chess with the principal and makes sure the school meets the standards it sets for it's students. It can also give the school good rep."

"And what about now? All three are showing up..?"

"For our upcoming test!"

"Test..?" Atsushi muttered, completely confused. "What 'test'?"

"Every school year we get a test in every subject! Every student applies and our school as a whole is always at the top nationwide! The school the top three attend surprisingly always gets second though... They might be a bit salty about it as well. But since our school offers extra help to students for what they enjoy and are good at we always get full scores on everything. Fyodor, Sigma, and Nikolai are probably here to test that during our tests coming up." Dazai took a deep breath after spitting it all out in one.

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