the swing

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It was almost sunset. About 6:00pm to be exact. I looked out my bedroom window, scanning the ground below for anyone that could be watching. Cost is clear. I crawled out the window and stepped onto the side of the roof, and then jumped down onto the grass. I snuck around to the back exit of the castle grounds, running into XD and George.

XD is my 5 year old brother and George is one of the castle guards.

XD was crouched down next to a pink flower. He stared confused at a lady bug sitting in the very middle of it, not even noticing I was there. It flew up and landed on his nose. Confused and startled, he fell over onto the grass and the lady bug flew up into the air again. He just sat there watching it in disbelief as it flew around in the sky as George giggled watching him.

George already knew I snuck out so he just waved. I waved back and smiled. then took one last look to make sure no one else was looking, and then I stepped out the gate and closed it shut behind me.

I started walking through the field towards the forest. I like to sneak out to the woods because I never get to leave the castle grounds. I come here every night just before the sun starts to set so I'm not in the dark scary forest alone at night, but I can still sneak out un-noticed.

There's this one spot I like the best in the forest, It's a little swing made out of a strong log and some rope. I discovered it a couple weeks ago and really liked it so I kept going back. It was in a really pretty spot too. The canopy had an opening where the suns raise would peak through it and onto a grassy spot under it, covered in little yellow and purple wildflowers.

I decided instead of going for a walk first I was going to go straight there, I was tired today and didn't want to be out too long.

As I walked up to the area I noticed there was a dent in the grass. Kinda like someone had just been laying down and it left the grass punched down. I scanned around the area and noticed someone sat up against a tree with their eyes closed.

I walked closer to get a better look. They looked about my age, their face had pronounced features and they looked like they could be some sort of actor.  Their dirty blond fluffy hair was brushed to the right side...or left. I cant tell the difference anymore.

I walked up and tapped them on the shoulder. They sat up quickly, clearly startled by my sudden appearance.

"Hello! My names tubbo! What are you doing out here at this time. It's like- your basically asking to be murdered." He looked up at me terrified.

"oh wait- fuck- shit- IM not gonna murder you, I just meant it's like- forest at night you know..? you don't know- whatever I clearly can't speak to people anymore. sorry this was a bad first impression- lets start over. Hello. Im tubbo. What's youuurrr name?" I asked smiling awkwardly.

"Uh..ranboo. My name is ranboo." He answered. "Who are you exactly and are you going to kill me?"

"Im the prince and no im not going to kill you.  Are you gonna kill me?" I asked.

"No im not...wait- you're the prince???" He looked up surprised.


"Then why the hell are you out here in the middle of a forest at 7:00 at night?" He asked.

"Because I hate having to be stuck in a fancy shmancy prison my whole life being told what to do and never leaving so I come here every night." I said smiling. He just stared at me confused.

"Why have I never seen you here before? I'm here all the time." He mumbled.

"I don't know." I said simply. I stuck my hand out for him to grab on to so I could pull him up from the ground. He grabbed onto it and I pulled him up. He towered over me. I did not think he would be that tall holy shit and balls.

meet me at the swing |  beeduo royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now