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Jimin's POV

I was setting the table for dinner. Song hyung said he is bringing dinner over since I was too lazy and tired to cook. He would be here any second so I made sure to get everything. Work has been hectic for the past few days but am having a lot of fun also.

I heard the bell so went to answer it.

"Hold on a second hyung" I shouted before answering the door but froze in my place when I saw who stood at the door.


I only stood looking at him. He used my startled self to his advantage and entered.

I turned to ask him what he was doing here but found myself in his embrace. I froze not knowing how to react.

"i-i missed you so much Jiminie, so much" he hugged me tightly to himself. I heard him sobbing lightly on my shoulder.

I tried so hard to free myself but he wouldn't budge. "Let go of me Jungkook. What do you want"

"n-no no I won't love. I've lot you once and am not doing it again"

His words made me more angry than I already am. Using every bit of strength I had, I pushed him. "You already have"

He  shake his head aggressively. "No. Don't say that hyung, don't drive me away"

"The f*ck Jungkook. You were the one who drove me away. You were the one who broke us apart"

" i-i didn't m-mean to hyung. i-i never meant to hurt you p-please. Please forgive me, I-i never meant any of what I said, I never did J-jimin, I should have fought for us, I should have protected you instead of driving you away and hurting you. Please forgive me hyung. I know I don't deserve it but please Jimin give me a chance to prove my love to you." He said to me through his cries.

"F-forgive you? Give you a chance Jungkook? You have no idea what I went through. How many times I had to tell myself that my kookie loves me and would never mean any of what he said, how many nights I cried myself to sleep wishing that all of it was just a bad dre-"

"b-but I h-had to Jimin. I had to " he mumbled as he sunk to the floor. He was full on crying now.


"I never intended to hurt you Jimin. Hurting you or making you cry is the last thing I ever see myself doing. But I had to Jiminie. I couldn't stand by and let him hurt you without doing anything if I could prevent it. He made me do it Jiminie. He vowed to hurt you in the worse way possible if I refused him"

"what are you saying Jungkook? who are you talking about?"I asked him going down in front of him.

"M-mr. Cha" o-our choreographer?

"w-what?" I asked not believing my ears.

"Y-yes hyung. I know there is no excuse for what I did but please believe me Jiminie. He gave me no other choice. I refused him when he first approached me thinking nothing of it. But that was my biggest mistake.

T-hat accident you suffered was his doing hyung. A warning if I didn't make you leave. I-i never cheated on you hyung. T-hat night, he was the one was talking to. He was listening to everything making sure I did what he told me to. You have no idea how much I wanted to hurt myself seeing your reaction*sobbing* i-i wanted to hug you,telling you that none of that was true b-but I couldn't.

I wanted to run to you all those times but he was watching everything jimin. I wanted to tell you everything but i-i couldn't risk losing you Jimi-"

"I begged you" I said lowly but enough for him to hear. " I b-begged you j-jungkook. Pleaded for you to tell me what was wrong cuz I knew deep down that this was not you. Never, ever had I hidden anything from you during our time together Jungkook cuz that was what we promised each other, to tell each other everything"


"We could have overcome this Jeon Jungkook. B-but no, you chose to hurt me junkoo-"

"N-no hyung pl-"he moved towards me with tears flowing from his eyes but I closed my eyes, moving my head to the side and hugged my legs.

"y-you s-said things I can't get f-from my head Jungkook. You even went as far as d-divorcing me" I quickly cleaned the furious tears flowing.

"No Jimin I n-"  he tried to say, holding my fingers on my knees, making a shiver run through my body.

"Get out"


"Please go Jungkook"  I said holding back the tears trying to fall. I could feel his eyes on the side of my face but I didn't turn to him.

He was silent for couple of seconds. I thought he was gone until he spoke.

"I know I don't deserve your forgiveness for want you went through but know this Jiminie....., am gonna win you back no matter how long it takes" I felt a kiss and tears on my cheek before he moved away. I soon as I head the door close, I let the dam break. It hurts so so much. Why did it have to come to this.

Sorry for the delay guys, forgive me?🥺

Am sorry but am gonna have to disappear for a while🙃😐. I hope to come back soon.
Saranghae 💜

ALWAYS YOURS 🐥🐰✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora