Chapter 6: Visions

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Within a half-hour, the Chinese food that Tony ordered, was delivered and arranged family-style on the kitchen island. As everyone grabs a plate and begins filling it up, you glance over to the corner where Loki is still reading.

You don't understand why, but for some odd reason, you find him intriguing. But you also feel a little sorry for him, even though he's been a massive ass to you on Asgard.

"Leave it to me to feel sorry for a criminal." You sigh, disappointed at yourself.

Though, it must be hard to be banished to a place where you know you aren't welcome. No friends to talk to, nobody that really cares that you're even there.

Maybe Thor cares that he's here. Though, he seemed more stressed than happy that Odin wanted Loki here on Earth with the Avengers.

You're still quite new to the team yourself, but you have been working with Tony and Nat for a few years now, so you're not really a stranger to them. Because of that, the rest of the team seems to be accepting you more easily.

But Loki? He still has a long road ahead of him before anyone will even consider trusting him. He will be very lonely for quite some time. You know all about that. You've been there.

Over the last few centuries, you faced similar situations that left you feeling very lonely. Every time someone commented on how you never age, you've had to move, which meant losing everything and everyone all over again. You never had deep conversations with people because you were afraid you'd accidentally tell them something that happened centuries ago. You didn't want anyone to get suspicious.

Never being able to speak without thinking first. Making friends over and over again and then losing them time and time again, because they age so much faster than you do. Never allowing yourself to fall in love or have kids because if you did, you'd have to see your loved ones die.

In the last century, you had distanced yourself from people. For quite some time, the world had become a lonely place for you as you couldn't bear to lose any more friends.

That was until you met all the amazing people in this team. Even at Stark Industries, you've felt so at home. And now, here at the Avengers compound, you're having the time of your life.

You are living among people that are considered modern-day superheroes. They know you are a magic user and they don't care! The world no longer cares! Ever since the world met you and Thor, you finally have the chance to tell your story to anyone that will listen. It's so liberating.

At least at the end of the line, when every other Avenger has passed, you will still have Thor. And maybe, sometime down the road, you might have Loki as a friend as well.

You've spent the majority of your life alone so it will be nice to finally have friends around for more than a few decades. Although, you're not sure however many centuries or millennia you might still have ahead of you.

When everyone is done grabbing their food, you head over to the table and gather a little bit of everything on a plate. Satisfied with the variety of food on the plate, you grab a set of silverware and head over to the bar to take a bottle of beer out of the fridge.

Rather than joining the group again, you walk over to Loki. You hold out the plate and beer without saying anything as he looks up from his book and raises an eyebrow at you. His gaze wanders between the plate and your sapphire eyes, but he doesn't take it from you.

"Fine, I will just put it down on the table then." You shrug while setting the food and beer on the side table to his right.

As you gaze back up at Loki, his expression is both puzzled and intrigued. You smile at him before returning to the kitchen to assemble your own plate. Thor, who went back for seconds already, places his hand on your shoulder and squeezes gently. His bearded face creases with an appreciative smile as he nudges your arm with his.

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