Chapter 30: The Lost Princess

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Skadi's hand glowed with soft, ethereal light and you felt a tingling sensation as her Seidr coursed through your body. With a slow exhale, Skadi lifted her hand away.

Turning you towards the mirror on your right, Skadi revealed the transformation that had taken place. What stared back at you was a sight that took your breath away. Your once fair skin was replaced by a pale blue hue. Your raven hair turned ashen and your eyes burned with blood red intensity. You were left speechless by the shock of this revelation.

As you struggled to comprehend the truth before you, the words escaped your lips in a hushed whisper, "I'm a Jotun?"

Skadi nodded solemnly. "You are indeed, though only half as your father is not."

As your eyes found Skadi, you noticed that she had transformed as well. Her blonde hair turned black, her skin color and eyes matched yours.

"But how?" you asked, struggling to comprehend the situation. "They tested me on Midgard, and there was not a single match to Loki. Also, Loki told me he found out he was one when another Jotun touched him so wouldn't I have turned when Loki touched me?"

Skadi sighed, her eyes filled with understanding. "One could not detect your heritage as I hid it with a spell," she explained. "I wanted to protect you, to prevent your Jotun side from surfacing without your permission."

"Oh, this is too much," you murmured, overwhelmed by it all. "Please reverse this."

Skadi's expression softened, and she considered your request. "You want me to reverse the spell?" she asked, her voice soft yet tinged with concern.

"Yes," you replied, desperation evident. "Loki can't know. He wouldn't understand. Please!"

"He is Laufey's son, is he not?" Skadi reasoned, her eyes searching yours for an answer.

"He is, but it doesn't matter." A mix of fear and sadness welled up inside you. You knew Loki's reaction to your true nature would be very unpredictable.

"He should then understand who you are," Skadi said, her voice filled with quiet resolve.

"You don't understand," you stammered, your voice trembling. "He hates his Jotun heritage. He will hate me if he sees me like this. Please! Turn me back!"

Skadi sighed, realizing your concerns. "You can't keep hiding this from your partner," she said firmly, though her voice filled with empathy.

You nodded, your eyes welling up. "I know," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I will figure out a way to tell him, but not now. I need time to process this myself."

Deep down, you knew you would eventually have to tell Loki the truth. It was a part of you that you couldn't hide from forever. But for now, you decided to hold onto the delicate bubble of happiness and hope that had formed between you. Maybe you could wait until you were certain that he truly accepted and embraced you for who you are.

Skadi understood your apprehension and respected your decision. "I will show you how to do it instead," she offered, wanting to be supportive. "Concentrate. Imagine your white hair fading into black. The red in your eyes draining and the blue returning."

With Skadi's guidance, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the image of your hair transforming. You visualized the white strands turning grey, gradually darkening as your natural black hair returned. You could feel the transformation happening.

As you continued to concentrate, you imagined your red eyes fading away, leaving behind the blue irises you had always possessed.

Slowly, you opened your eyes and looked at yourself in the mirror again. Your hair was black again, matching your original appearance, and your eyes were no longer tainted by your Jotun heritage.

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