Chapter 2: Not So Secret

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*1 year later*

Today is the day you finally get to join the Avengers at their newly built facility. Tony built their new headquarters in upstate New York, beside one of the old Stark Industries warehouses that he remodeled with it. The entire Avengers base — with its many building spread out across the land — is absolutely massive and you're sure you will get lost several times.

Upon entering the main building, you step into the elevator where Tony is waiting for you. 

"Welcome! I'm glad you're officially part of our supersecret boy band." He smiles. "Well, super-secret boy and girl band I mean." He corrects himself quickly.

"It was either this or becoming a crazy cat lady at SHIELD's headquarters. Although, I doubt Fury would have minded either way. Did you know he likes cats?" You laugh.

"Wow, that's ... shocking. I had always imagined him owning a pet crocodile or something exotic like that."

"I know, right?" You chuckle as the elevator doors close.

"JARVIS, workshop," Tony orders the AI. "I'm taking you to the lab first so we can get an health scan done on you. After that, Nat will show you to your new quarters and then you'll be allowed to explore the compound."

"Health scan? What for?" You ask confusedly as your gaze meets Tony.

"Well, I like scanning our members when they're healthy, so we have a baseline to compare their images to if things go wrong. JARVIS can help find fractures and other injuries faster when he has a scan on file to compare it to." Tony explains.

"Ah, makes sense. Sure, let's do it." 

The elevator doors open into a vast and sterile lab. The outside walls are lined with floor-to-ceiling windows, letting in an abundance of natural light.

The inside walls are lined with robotics and appliances, leaving you in awe of all the technology they get to work with. Despite the fact that this workshop is constantly being worked in, it's being kept very clean. Almost sterile even.

"This way." Tony points to the scanner, which is located at the back of the workshop just past Bruce's workbench. Bruce seems completely focused on his work, as he didn't seem to notice you or Tony walking into the workshop.

"Good morning, Bruce." You say as you approach his desk.

"Uh - Hi, Nova." Bruce greets you with a smile and a nod.

"Doctor Jekyll is working on something that might help us keep Mister Hyde at bay." Tony smirks as you follow him. Bruce smiles at Tony's comment but decides not to react to it as he smilingly rolls his eyes at you. You smile in return.

"So, this scanner will scan you from head to toe and tell me everything I need to know about you

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"So, this scanner will scan you from head to toe and tell me everything I need to know about you. Meanwhile, JARVIS will also be scanning for other little tidbits." Tony pats your shoulder and gestures for you to step towards the scanner.

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