Chapter 28: Gálgviðr

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The snow crunched under your boots as you climbed to your feet. Your breath fogged into the air and the cold stung your lungs. You dusted the snow from your cloak, noticing it was already soaked through at the bottom, leaving it wet and heavy. Using your magic, you drained the water from your cloak, leaving it dry once again. 

There was no sun in this realm, only a perpetual darkness. A frigid wind and gloomy grey clouds persisted. Jotunheim's only moon—cold, cracked and falling apart with only a few pieces barely holding it together—was the only source of light, which gave the land a ghostly glow.

Aside from black rock cracking and breaking off in the distance, the bone-chilling winds and the occasional howl of a distant creature echoing through the trees, there were no sounds.

Behind you, a vast forest loomed, its trees so black that its bark resembled obsidian. Dense fog rolled out from between the trees down into the ravine in front of you. You carefully shuffled closer to the edge and peered down, swallowing hard as you couldn't see the bottom of the ravine. It felt as if the ground you were standing on was merely floating in space.

That was really close, Heimdall.

Desolation seemed to dominate the realm. As if a war had been lost. There was nothing but snow and jagged black rock surrounding the mountains and cliffs in the distance. No obvious cities or towns and no structures.

Aside from the forest behind you, the landscape was a grey, barren wasteland, with no signs of life. The air was thick and oppressive, and the atmosphere was eerie and unsettling as an ever-present fog covered the land.

You couldn't comprehend how wildlife could survive here. Most likely, the creatures and inhabitants adapted to the harsh climate, but part of you felt sorry for them. Despite this, they likely loved their home just as much as you did Midgard.

Midgard... When did I start calling it that? 

It may have been because you'd spent so much time with Loki and Thor. 

Loki ... Thor ... Where are they?

You scanned the area, trying to find any sign of the brothers. You felt your heart race and your palms sweat as you realized neither of them was close by. Breathing deeply, you tried to muster the courage to walk deeper into the forest. Loki and Thor must have landed not too far from here.

As you ventured deeper into the forest, the density of the trees increased

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As you ventured deeper into the forest, the density of the trees increased. Towering trunks surrounded you, their branches reaching out like ancient arms, creating a canopy that shielded the moonlight. The path ahead was barely visible, obscured by dense trees and thick fog.

Passing the first few trees, you tried to remain calm and collected. But you began to worry when you couldn't find any signs of them. There was no way they could have landed that far away.


Could they have landed in the ravine instead of at the edge of the forest? Had Heimdall not seen it?

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