Prologue: Storming The Palace

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The nights in Vanaheim are those of Midgardian fairy tales. As the crescent moon shines bright like a silvery claw in the night sky, the viridian realm shimmers with countless stars.

As the owls' soft and peaceful hoots are heard throughout the emerald forest, crickets chirp a quiet song. Amidst this vast forest lies an ancient and picturesque village that surrounds the base of the towering palace of the Vanir Gods.

During a peaceful night in spring, the Vanir Queen gave birth to her first child. Vanaheim's first heir to the throne. A baby girl with the fairest skin of all, born with raven hair as black as Odin's ravens and eyes as blue as the lake that surrounds the palace.

The entire kingdom was overjoyed to meet their newborn Princess. And to honor the palace, peasants gathered their crops, fruits, and vegetables which they gifted to the royal family.

A feast was held so the realm could gaze upon the new Princess. While the guests spoiled the royal family with gifts, the Palace ensured that their guests could eat and drink to their hearts' content. Everyone was welcome, even the commoners and peasants were allowed to visit and attend the feast.

Vanaheim's Queen has always been compassionate and loving towards her subjects, which is why she is so loved. She made sure everyone was heard and their needs were attended to, no matter their class or status.

Whereas the King used to be a stoic man, the Queen managed to melt his cold heart. Where his old self would have ruled with an iron fist, he now acts with the same kindness as his Queen.

In addition to the guests, the seers and sorcerers from all across the realm came to bless their Princess. The newborn was bestowed blessings of health, prosperity, and victory.

According to the seers, she would become the most powerful Goddess in the nine realms, but only time would tell what kind of Goddess she would become.


Several days later, the denizens of the Royal Palace and their guests retired to their chambers, as is customary at this time of night. Only sentinels of the Vanarjar patrol the halls, ensuring the security of the inhabitants against those who would disturb their peaceful rest.

In pairs, the sentinels patrol the palace each night, each assigned to a particular hall.

Gunnar and Einar are thrilled to have been paired together again. Getting along very well and being aware of each other's movements makes them perfect partners in crime. The lower terrace overlooking the cliffs is where Gunnar and Einar will patrol tonight.

They walk side-by-side along the terrace while Einar's stomach grumbles loudly and he grunts.

"I have an odd sensation in my gut." Einar says to his companion while rubbing his belly plate with his shielded arm. His stomach tenses again and he groans in discomfort.

"It must be all the delicacies and the mead you consumed at supper." Gunnar roars with laughter, poking Einar in the belly plate.

"Amusing, Gunnar. Absolutely hilarious! Wait until you —"

Einar is stopped in his tracks by Gunnar, who holds his arm out in front of him to stop him. The marble terrace pillar that Gunnar gestures at seems to have a rope tied around it.

Now that Einar has seen what Gunnar saw, he looks around the immediate area with a shield covering his body and his spear raised in the air.

Gunnar runs his hand along the rope and follows it down the side of the terrace. As he looks over the edge, he spots a marauder hanging off the side of the palace wall.

As Gunnar is about to scream, the marauder grabs his collar and pulls him over the side of the terrace, where he falls to his death upon the sharp rocks below.

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