Chapter 26: Clarity

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"Hello, my child."

There she was, standing behind you at the mouth of the cave, facing you with her hand reaching out to you.

The opulent, majestic gown she wore in your previous dreams was replaced by a simple white dress with golden laces running across the bodice and sleeves. A simple golden circlet adorned her head, and her once elaborate updo was undone, allowing her wavy blonde hair to flow freely. She opted for a soft pink eyeshadow to contrast her previously bold dark eyeshadow.

"Hi." That was all that came out of your mouth.

Your mind was blank. You just stared at her and waited for her to speak first.

You were still not convinced that she wasn't anything more than an illusion, a mere figment of your imagination. You basically convinced yourself that you were dreaming about her after seeing her picture in the book Loki showed you.

"I see you contemplating your words. I understand you must have many thoughts or questions, but those must wait." Her hands grasped yours and a golden hue enveloped you. Its calming warmth felt ... familiar?

"But... I... You... How...?" You stuttered, unable to wrap your mind around what was happening. She chuckled, the light brightening.

"Listen carefully, we haven't much time." She said, "When you have the chance, speak to Heimdall and request him to transport you to Gálgviðr." The golden hue subsided.

"Galgvider?" You repeated the name but cringed at your own pronunciation. Another chuckle escaped her lips.

"Gálgviðr. That is where you will find me. Meet me there, and everything will be explained."

"Everything?" Your eyes widened and your heart raced. "Wait, who are you and how do you know Heimdall? What will be explained?"

"Lady Nova?" A murmer rang in your ears, a panicked voice calling for you. Slowly, your surroundings began to fade.

"Speak to Heimdall!"

"Lady Nova!" The voice repeated."Guards! I need help!"

The cave walls faded and the floor fell beneath your feet.

"No! I need more information! Please! What is your name?" You pleaded, reaching for her hands, but all you could grab was air.

"S..." The image of her faded into blackness.

"My Lady, please wake up!" The voice called again and a vigorous shake finally woke you.

"I'm awake! Get off me!" You screamed, flailing your arms.

"Oh, thank the gods! My Lady, are you alright?" The voice asked.

You looked at the servant bewilderedly and said, "Yes, I'm fine. What happened?"

The servant smiled and said, "It seemed you were having a nightmare. I heard you screaming, so I came to check on you."

"Damn it." You grumbled. "It wasn't a nightmare."

The servant paused, unsure of how to respond.

"I'm terribly sorry for waking you, my lady, but it is time to break your fast." She said sheepishly, as she tightened up the room.

"Wait, it's morning already?" Your voice softened. The servant met your gaze and nodded.

"Yes, my lady. I've tried to wake you for some time, without success. I feared you would not wake."

Clearly, the servant was concerned about your health and reacted desperately. You couldn't help but feel ashamed of how angry you reacted.

"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that." Your fingers rubbed your forehead and your shoulders relaxed. "What is your name?"

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