Chapter 13: Girls' Day Out

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After dinner, everyone gathered on the couch to watch a movie. Although you took a nap, you still feel really drained and you end up falling asleep on the couch because of it. Loki, who is sitting next to you, notices that you fell asleep and conjures a blanket, which he gently drapes over you. 

Tony only just started to notice the way Loki acts around you. Everybody has been noticing the difference in his character around you. Nevertheless, nobody says a word about it. They just assume you are close friends, in a similar way to Natasha and Clint. 


The movie finished and most of the Avengers have gone to bed by now. Pepper, Tony, Thor, Loki, and yourself are the only ones left. 

"Come on, Tony, let's go to bed."

"Let's." He smiles at Pepper as he gets up from the sofa. "Thor, would you mind carrying Nova to her room?" Thor nods in response.

Tony and Pepper get inside the elevator and head to their own floor. Being the owner of the compound, he is definitely entitled to such the luxury of having his own private floor. Immediately after the elevator doors close, Loki speaks.

"Brother, let me take her."

"Is there anything I need to know, brother?" Thor's eyebrow raises.

"What could you possibly mean?"

"You seem to have taken a special interest in Lady Nova."

"She and I connected on a mutual ground. Magic, if you will." 

"And that's all there is?"

"What else would there be, brother?" Loki rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Hmm, nothing, I suppose. A brother can hope though." Thor winks as he gestures for Loki to go ahead. 

Loki gently lifts you from the couch, the blanket still draped over you. He holds onto you tightly and starts walking to your room. Thor doesn't follow, but seems to be headed to the fridge for another midnight snack. 

As Loki walks through the hallway with you snuggled up in his arms, the rocking slightly wakes you. Your eyes open lazily and you stare up at the handsome God. 

"Loki?" You mumble quietly, though he seems to have heard you.

"Hush darling. Sleep."

"Mmmkay." You slur as your eyes close again and you burrow your head into his chest. 

Loki opens your door with his Seidr and carefully steps inside, watching to make sure he doesn't accidentally bump your head. 

He leans against the bed and places you down ever so carefully but when your back hits the soft sheets, you grab a hold of his sleeve. 

"Don't go." You manage to mutter under your breath.

"Darling, you need your rest."


After a moment of consideration, Loki gives in. Once he settles into the bed next to you, you place your head onto his chest, sighing happily before falling asleep once again. He looks down at you, taking in the scent of your shampoo as he places a soft kiss on your head. 

It is a sleepless night for Loki. He is simply wrestling with himself over where his affection for you is heading. Even though he had hoped things wouldn't go that way, he can't deny that he is attracted to you. And that terrifies him because, in time, that would turn into something he has sworn off completely. Love.

But then, along comes this woman, on the day he was supposed to become King of Midgard. A strong, powerful and beautiful woman, who doesn't realize the strength she carries within her. You've shown him kindness. A kindness he feels he isn't worthy of. And although you challenge him mentally, he finds you equally captivating and vexing.

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