Chapter 3: Meeting The Family

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"Wait, how do you know my name?" You ask the statuesque man as you approach him.

"Prince Thor has mentioned your name in several occasions. The brave Midgardian woman that aided him in saving New York from Loki's wrath." 

"Well, we all worked together, it wasn't just me." You giggle nervously. You feel like you didn't really do much at all. The only thing that you did was freeze Loki and keep him there for a little while you stood around. And Loki broke free anyway.

"Despite her humble manners, Lady Nova played a key role in his downfall." Thor boasts. 

You look down at your fingers and start to fidget. Being the center of attention has always makes you anxious and you really don't feel like you deserve all this praise. 

"The Einherjar approach with the horses, my Prince."

The sound of horses' hooves pounding on what sounds like glass takes your attention away from the two men. An armored guard approaches on a horse while pulling along two more horses. 

One, a golden palomino horse with a shiny blonde mane and tail and the other, a well-groomed chestnut horse.

"Oh, look at those beautiful horses!" You exclaim. Thor's eyes follow you as you walk out of the dome and slowly approach the chestnut horse, holding out your hand to let it sniff you. 

The horse allows you to approach and nudges his nose against you. You giggle as you feel the horse's nose against your bare arm and gently brush through its mane with your fingers.

"My Prince, a word?" Heimdall stops Thor as he was about to follow you to the horses. Thor nods, signaling for Heimdall to speak.

"I did not foresee Lady Nova crossing your path."

"I don't understand?" Thor stares at you with narrowed eyes.

"She was invisible to me until she revealed herself during the battle, as if she was shielded."

"Why have you never mentioned it before? What makes her so special?"

"I was ... unsure. There are many beings in all the realms, I assumed I merely missed her presence before. Until now."

Thor and Heimdall stare at you for a moment until Heimdall speaks again.

"Beware of the adventure she might bring. Wolves often hide in sheep's clothing."

"Wolves? Heimdall, my dear friend, perhaps you are merely going mad." Thor laughs dismissively as he pats Heimdall on the shoulder. But Heimdall face doesn't change upon Thor's jest.

"From the moment I was able to see Lady Nova, I have seen visions of a black wolf roaming the lands of Asgard. In them, I see the wolf defeated. But you my Prince, are gravely wounded. My understanding of these visions is limited, but heed my warning."

Thor thinks for a moment as he nods. Heimdall bows respectfully as he turns and walks back to the edge of the Bifrost to stare into the galaxies beyond.

Thor takes the chestnut horse from the guard and helps you get onto its back. He then walks over to the palomino horse and mounts it. Together with the guard and Thor, you ride to the biggest golden structure in the entire city. 

You stop at the stables and Thor helps you from the horse's back. Inside the stables, you hear a horse squeal loudly. Without thinking, you run into the stables and follow the sounds of distress.

"Lady Nova! Wait!" Thor yells as he follows you inside.

You turn the corner and see that one of the stable hands has lost control of a majestic black horse with a beautiful curly mane. The horse rears and whinnies once more, knocking the stable hand onto the ground with a heavy thud.

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