Chapter 20

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Moonhidora sat on the stand, looking down at the humans below, specifically her special human Luke. She remembers how she used to protect his family long ago, and she loved each of the family members as if they were part of her family. Now, they're gone, and this kid, Luke, is all that's left.

Luke walked around the city, exploring the ancient history of his family, they lived in this city, for several generations. Luke felt a spiritual connection with this place, and he felt more at home here then anywhere else. He soon walked up to the roof at one building and looked up at the ceiling at all the star stones above. Truly beautiful.

He soon heard a sound emitted by Moonhidora, as if she was calling for him. He looked and Moonhidora was saying with sign language, "Luke, Come" Luke soon got up and made his way over, soon coming to the town square as it seems. Moonhidora soon leaned down and rested her hand on the ground, infront of Luke. Luke looked up, and soon climbed into her hand. Moonhidora lifted him up off the ground and slowly brought him over to her 3 heads, each head starring at him with a passionate love, the same look a mother would give to one of her most beloved offspring.

Soon, Io came over and nuzzled Luke, purring as she did so. Luke giggled and soon rubbed her snout, and the other heads soon joined in. "Hey, Hey! One at a time, one at a time!" Luke said, and Callist and Eura pulled away and waited they're turn. Soon Io pulled away, and Callist was next. Callist soon gave Isaac some loving licks, Isaac giggled and whipped the saliva off his face and cheek, Soon it was Eura's turn and she (or at least tried to) nibble Luke gently.

Moonhidora soon closed her hand and brought Luke to her chest in a sort of hug, each head lowered next to him. Luke could tell everyone was watching, "Girls... what are you doing? Knock it off... your embarrassing me" Luke said, but Moonhidora still held in the embrace.


Some scientists had taken samples of the giant crystals underneath Moonhidora's stand, and found that these crystal's were far stranger then they seem...

For one, they ran a piece down in a atomic scanner and found the elements in the crystals didn't match anything on the periodic table, but the atoms were extremely dense, electricity charged Ions, as if the elements cannot exist in a neutral charge or positive charge. The element had over 500 electrons orbiting a nucleus made of nearly 300 protons, far larger then even Francium. As such, these crystal's have the energy equivalent to nearly 400 Hiroshima Atomic Bombs detonating at ounce. Fortunately, the crystals density makes them fairly stable.

Soon, Moonhidora's horns began to glow gold, and so did the crystals. Moonhidora climbed down the stand, settled Luke to the ground, and looked at the crystals that glowed along with her horns. Soon, Callist looked at Luke forbade brief moment, and trusted her horns into the crystals. Soon, her horns began to glow much brighter and her entire body began to surge with silver electricity.

"What is she doing?" said Luke

"The Crystals! She's drawing they're energy into herself, like she's charging" the scientists began to figure it out, these crystals must be an energy source for Astro Hydras, and when she fired her gravity beam, it was 1/10 of how powerful it was during the fight with Ghidorah. That must mean Ghidorah has charged from plenty of these crystals.

Moonhidora was gaining a lot of energy from these gigantic crystals, and that soon alerted a certain flying titan from above world. As Ghidorah was flying to the location of his rival, he sensed the energy of Moonhidora charging, and he immediately knew this was something he couldn't take lightly. He landed in the abandoned city of Boston Massachusetts, and looked around for the source of the power he was sensing. Soon, he located it to be directly beneath him.

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