Chapter 11

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Our group of soon-to-be heroes made it to the facility Madison told them about, and the base was mainly underground, making it a good shelter for any future titan attacks, like Ghidorah for example.

Austin, Luke, and Katie were taken to a bunk room where they would remain until Ghidorah's hunt for Moonhidora cools off. Which may take a while, but they had no other choice but to wait.

Luke and Katie spent a lot of time hanging out together and Bugs managed to stay with them. Luke did spend some time with his father Austin. They joked about their situation, how they just went from being a bunch of towners to soon-to-be heroes in less than a day, they just hope they come out of this all in one piece.

Whenever Madison got a break from being the new Monarch Chief, she spent some time with the gang, and she explains to the group that she's been trying to develop ways to communicate with Moonhidora, namely sign language, but she never showed any recognition.

Luke did recall that Madison did use some sign language back in the base and it seemed Moonhidora showed some understanding, but maybe she can't communicate back to them. In the meantime, Luke and Austin will need to learn sign language to communicate with Moonhidora.


For the next several days, the group remains in the underground facility and Madison has managed to teach Austin and Luke some basic sign language, like "Yes, No, There, We, Me, You" and others. Madison hopped maybe Luke using sign language to communicate with Moonhidora would help him bond with her, so they can go find Mothra and revive her, since Moonhidora is the only one who can speed up Mothra's rebirth process.

Madison was sitting in an observation room, the sun was setting and there was not a single cloud in the sky. She was remembering what life was like before all this, it was all over 355 years ago... but this felt like an eternity for Madison.

Before she could think anymore, the base alarms began to go off, and Madison quickly made her way to the control room, "What's going on?!" she said.

"There here!" One of the security officers said, pointing to some masked men entering the building. Madison recognized the group as "The Titan Rise" group, aka the group who released Ghidorah in the first place!

Madison questioned how they found the base, and that was as much a mystery to them as it was to her. Madison ordered the guards to hold them off, and the guards soon arrived and tried to hold back the invading group, but they where outnumbered.

Madison made her way to where Luke and the others where, and she was accompanied by some elite guards. They led them to the nearest escape, but they were cut off by some of the terrorist, they quickly hid behind a wall for cover.

Madison pulled out a pistol, and after whispering a little prayer, she came out of cover and fired at the assaulting men with pinpoint accuracy.

When she gunned down all the men, she lead the gang through the hallways. They where soon stopped by another squad, but this time a Japanese man lead them.

Madison recognized the man "Ren..." The man smiled and said "Madison Russell, looks like you also have undergone augmentations"

"I'll be taking them with me now" said Ren, pointing at Austin and Luke. "Im afraid not, I have my own plans for them"

Ren shrugged, "Fine, have it your way" he said before pulling out a rifle and opening fire at Madison, the others quickly got out of the way.

Madison managed to dodge several of the bullets, but one hit her arm but if affected her minimally. She soon jumped into view and threw her pistol at Ren, striking him in the head.

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