Chapter 12

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Luke was cuffed to the seat, looking away from his captor Ren Serizawa. It wasn't that he was scared of Ren, its just that he didn't think he deserved the slightest satisfaction.

"So Lucas, may I ask you again, how you can communicate with Moonhidora?"

Luke didn't answer him.

"Listen kid, if you wanna be like that, my guards will make sure you talk"

Luke didn't answer him, Ren soon ordered "Guards". One of the guards grabbed Luke's shirt collar, and right when he looked up, the guard gave a swift and hard PUNCH to Luke face.

Luke grunted in pain, and blood oozed out of his nose. "Well?" said Ren, Luke looked up at Ren and said "Fuck you"

The guard soon punched Luke in the face again, "You watch your mouth kid" he said.

Ren "I hope you know he'll keep punching you until he either knocks you out or you start talking. Tell me how to communicate with Moonhidora"

Luke just glared at Ren, still not talking. The guard gave another swift punch to him, and Luke grunted and groaned in pain and began coughing out blood and spit.

Ren asked ounce again, "I can tell you how, you can choke on your own bullets and beg for mercy at Moonhidora's feet, she will tear you guys apart when she sees me and what guys do to me!"

Ren smirked and said "Is that so? I have no time for jokes, Tell me right now!" Luke spat in the floor, "No" he said. The guard ounce again punched him and Luke soon blacked out.


Madison was in a hospital bed, she had been out for a few hours now. Katie stayed in the room with Madison.

Madison soon woke up, and she looked around and held her chest. "Madison! Thank god!" Katie said as she ran over.

"W-Wheres Luke?!" she said. Katie looked down and said "They took Luke with them, and flew off"

"They what?! We need to go after them!" Said Madison as she tried to get up, but Katie stopped her and said "Madison, you were just shot! You need to rest"

"Im fine!" Madison reassured her. Soon, some doctors came in and they recommended Madison rested, as the bullet struck one of her auxiliary power cores, deceasing the power life in her dramatically.

Katie looked confused, why would Madison have power cores in her body. The doctors broke the news to Katie and told her that Madison has survived this long with cybernetic alterations in her body.

Madison has been augmented so much now that she's mostly cybernetic and not human. 66.6% of her skeleton has been reconstructed and 40% of her organs, including her brain, has been cybernetically modified.

All these alterations have made Madison a super human, giving her superhuman strength, speed, dexterity and hyperreflexes. Not to mention she is now incredibly durable and can her skull is now completely iron and bulletproof, protecting her brain.

Madison has 3 cores in her body, 1 main core and 2 auxiliary cores. If her main core his destroyed, she will die, but if one or more of her auxiliary cores are destroyed, the amount of what she can so is dramatically decreased.

Katie was shocked, Madison was like a half human, half cyborg! To think her very soul, mind and personality could remain in what was left of her.

On the outside, Madison looks human, but inside, she's not so human.

The doctors soon explained that Madison will need one of her auxiliary cores taken out and replaced surgically.

Madison reluctantly agreed, and ordered some spy soldiers go out in one of the TRG bases.

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