Chapter 9

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Austin was taken aback by Madison's story, he doesn't even know what to say. "W-Wow... i-im sorry..."

"Because of my mother... and that 3 headed devil... my life has been a living hell!" Madison said with a snarl on her face. Her quiet rage was soon halted when Austin encouraged her to calm down, Madison took a deep breath and said, "Look, can you please keep this between you and me? The kids don't need to know" said Madison

"So... what will you do?" said Austin

"After this is all over?

Madison sighed, "I'll finally rest, I'll shut off my augmentations... and that will be it"

"Your gonna shut down your augmentations!?" Austin said, raising from his seat.

Madison was silent

"Madison! You don't have to,  you can come live with me and my son!"

"My body is too augmented that they are literally my life support, ounce they shut down... I will simply die"

"Maddie, you cant! Are you really just gonna leave all those people behind ounce this is all over?!"

Madison stood up, "At least I'll leave them with their freedom" she said as she began to walk away.

"Are you really gonna throw away everything you have at the end of this?!?"

Madison stopped, "Everything I have?"

She scoffed

"I don't own anything, Austin. I just borrowed it, even my own life. I wasn't meant to live this long" she said before walking off, back to the lounge room to check on Luke and Katie. Austin followed behind and Katie introduced Madison to Bugs, she petted bugs and bugs didn't trust Madison, and retreated away from her as soon as she petted him.

Madison hanging out with the kids for some time, before she was called to the control room. She made her way there and was told that Moonhidora would arrive in t- 2 minutes. Madison looked outside the large window and it appeared to be raining pretty heavily.

Moonhidora has bioluminescent scales, but she can control when they glow. Hopefully, they don't startle her and she turns off her glow or runs for the clouds above. Madison decides it would be best to wait for Moonhidora to arrive at the base so Luke and Austin can be introduced to her.


The 2 minutes pass and Madison can see Moonhidora, well on the radar, she's circling the base. She radioed Austin to inform him of Moonhidora's arrival, Austin soon got the message and he walked over to Luke who was laying down in his bunk bed, seemingly ready to go to sleep.

"Hey, Lucas"

Luke turned to Austin, "Yeah dad?" he said tiredly.

"She's here"

Luke knew who he was talking about and got up from his bed and looked really nervous as they walked to go see her, "Are you excited, buddy?" said Austin.

"I... I don't know if this is a good idea anymore! What if she doesn't think I'm a part of the family? What if she doesn't like me!? What if she-" Austin stopped Luke, "Don't worry buddy, just go introduce yourself to her and you two will get along in no time!"

Katie soon caught up to them, "Guys wait! I wanna see this!"

"Okay. Uhh... where's bugs?" said Luke.

"He's still in the room, sleeping"

"Okay, well let's not keep Moony waiting!" said Austin.

They soon made it over to the control room, where Moonhidora had just landed in front of the giant window, with all 3 heads looking into the window with their scales glowing. Luke, Katie, and Austin were taken aback by the sheer scale of her!

"Whoa! She's a lot bigger than I thought" said Katie.

"She's beautiful, she right?" said Austin, looking to Madison, she nodded.

Luke stared at the 3 headed lunar hydra in awe, her size, her glow, her elegance was mesmerizing. "Well, ready to go meet her?" said Madison. Luke began to breathe heavily, it seemed like he was having a panic attack.

Both Madison and Austin rushed over to calm down Luke and they took him to a balcony outside, Katie followed them. They were now outside, now face to face with the gigantic Moonhidora.

She looked down at the 4 of them, with the middle head cocking her head to the left in curiosity. "Well Luke, she's all yours, go say hi" said Madison, gently pushing him forward. Luke took a deep breath and walked over to the edge of the viewing platform.

Moonhidora looks down at the boy approaching her, there's something about this human that seems familiar to her... but she can't exactly place it.

Luke was growing increasing anxious as he slowly approached her and raised his hand upwards.

All 3 heads lowered down to the 13 year old human, looking at him with wide curious eyes as it seemed he was raising his hand up for her.

The middle head came over and gently placed her snout on Luke's hand and purred softly.

Luke flinched when he felt the middle head, Callist, allowed him to touch her on the snout. The other sisters looked perplexed to their eldest sister taking a liking to the human child.

"Is it working?" said Katie
"No, she's not showing any recognition" said Madison.

Madison walked over and Moonhidora turned het attention to Madison, as she was a more familiar face.

Madison soon said to Moonhidora in sign language "He is family, your family"

Callist cocked her head to the side and looked down at Luke. She let out a soft chirp as she sensed the familiarity.

Madison soon kneeled down to Luke and said, "What if you tell her you know Jorn, or knew of him?"
Luke said "You sure that will work?"
Madison "You and your dad are the only family she has left. She needs to recognize that so we can get her help to revive Mothra"

Luke soon looked at Moonhidora who seemed to have lost interest and began to wander off. He waved his arms to get her attention.
She looked at him briefly before taking her eyes off him again. "Jorn!" Blurted out Luke.

Moonhidora's eyes lit up and she looked at Luke and walked over, Luke spoke to her and said that he knows of Jorn and he knew of her bond with him and her family. He even stated that Jorn is his ancestor.

Luke thought he was wasting his breath as Moonhidora didn't reply and the fact that she's a titan and not an animal didn't really fill his confidence. She just stared at the boy, both Io and Eura looked perplexed, as they recall that name but can't exactly remember. Callist on the other hand seems to be reacting emotionally to Luke's sentence as if it made her think of Jorn, soon all 3 heads looked away and Moonhidora flew away.

"She flew away!" said Luke

"Did it work?" said Austin

"I...I..." Madison stuttered

"Did you see the way she responded? I think it's a start on your bond with-"

Suddenly, the base alarm began to blare off, and an automated voice spoke

"Warning: Titan Alert! Monster Zero Inbound!"

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