22. Happy to be sane

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22. Happy to be sane

Akshara had never seen her family this eager to see her, one by one they hugged her and enquired whether she was okay, Mimi was in tears and Swarna looked like she survived a storm. Manish and Akhilesh were torn between being happy or angry and Kairav and Arohi were the first ones to be relieved that Akshara was safe and back home with them.

However, Vansh just jumped onto the girl, he just wrapped his arms around her and picked her up as he couldn't contain his happiness and relief, "Akshu, please please, kabhi aise gayab na hona." He twirled her as Akshara held him, everyone else requesting Vansh to put her down. 

"Line mein, Vansh," Manish instructed him to put her down and when he did, he hugged Akshara. "You scared everyone, especially your Badi Maa here." He pointed to the crying Swarna who also joined the hug." 

"Enough, now my turn." Akhilesh squeezed in the hug, Sureka, his wife joining in as Akshara was legit squeezed in between them but to say the least it was the most comfortable hug she had ever gotten.

They all separated when Suhasini, Akshara's Mimi cleared her throat and Akshara who already was teary eyed, held her ears when she faced her Mimi. Instead of getting a real scolding for being absent, Mimi joined her hands astonishing everyone, "Tuje jo chahiye, woh sab dungi," Mimi cried, as Akshara shook her head, immediately holding her grandmother's hands. "Wapis kabhi hum sab ko chod ke na jaana, please." Akshara cried and hugged her Mimi who hugged her back. 

"Please, Mimi, I swear, I swear kabhi nahi jaungi." Akshara sobbed, breaking the hug as she cupped her Mimi's teary face. "Please never join hands in front of me ever again." Akshara was crying but she said that in a stern voice, "Never."

"You went MIA, not me." Mimi retaliated and Akshara chuckled, kissing Mimi's cheek.

"MIA?" Akhilesh asked his wife, confused, even Manish and Swarna had no idea.

"Missing in Action," Mimi scoffed, like they should have known such terms, everyone else relaxing and Akshara held her ears, asking them to forgive her.

She was completely overwhelmed by how much her family was concerned for her and that she was so important in their lives. These people had been there for her when no one was, she looked at the elders in front of her, each and every one of them gave up their savings so she could start therapy, learn to let go and Manish even broke his FD savings for her to go study music in the UK. They all just wanted her to be happy, moreover they wanted her to live. 

Then who was she to deny them this right?

Akshara turned to face her two most important pillars of her life, the two people who have been holding her and the two people who have spent their lives just to keep her sane and happy. She had tears in her eyes, how she was not out of them yet she had no idea but the tears kept dropping to the floor when she faced the two people she loved more than anyone in this world.

Kairav and Arohi.

Kairav Goenka, he gave up his childhood so his sisters got one, he worked day in and out so that his sisters could not have to be denied of any little things they wanted. Even though the elders told him that they would take care of them, Kairav did everything to make sure his baby sisters were happy in their lives. When he recognised that Akshara needed help, he was the one who stepped up and explained to the family how important therapy was and how he paid for all of them. He was the one who helped her get out of her addiction, out of rehab, out of any sort of financial help she would need. 

Kairav was her God Parent more than her brother and Akshara could never even come close in returning the favors. And now he was working on a website only for her, so that people like her who needed help can get help anywhere and didn't need to hide anymore. 

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