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Soon as you woke up people were talking loudly so you and techno walked out and heard what happened aparantly there is more experiments in the lab and the humans dont believe them you instantly called am emergency meeting and said "if what you all saying is true some more people will be joining us but because some are building new houses I'll take my team and we'll get them but shroud tommy tubbo and ranboo nikki and wilbur stay so there safe we'll leave tomorrow and send a crow to see if this is right if so remember dont ask alot of questions at once it will confuse them because we dont know how long they might of been there for. The meeting is over any questions "

Nobody spoke a word so everyone got up and left you got weapons and set them by the door and told your team to get some sleep because tomorrow there gonna be rescuing some experiments

You and techno got into some pajamas and went to bed

The next day

You woke techno up and got changed and put on some armor and grabbed your favourite axe and bow and met everyone at the door shroud didn't want you to leave to tommy got him off of you and you called for night, sniw and chocolate to get you all there it took about a day to get half way so you set up camp and went asleep the next day you all were up early and after feeding the horses and yourselves you set off again you got there by mid day and went in quietly to her people screaming and begging for forgiveness you burst into the room they were in and your hood fell of in the process and you said grinning "miss me"

You told the two experiments to get behind you as phil walked in with a med kit and so did Kristin your axe was to the mans throat he was scared so you just cut the mans head clean off and went to look at the folders with all the information on and techno did the diamond folder while you did the demon one mumza and dadza went to get more kit to help them while you could tell they were scared you sat on the floor and said softly "dont worry i was one of the first ones we're taking you to the rest"

Techno said "y/n let them pet your ears there so soft it will relax them a bit"

Demons eyes lit up and said "really can we"

You smiling said "of course it doesn't bother me"

He sat down and let them do it there eyes lit up before saying "there so soft"

Mumza and dadza returned and dadza said "sorry to be a berden but we better head ojt before it gets dark thats when this place goes into lock down mode"

So mumza and dadza helped them get up and out and sat them under a tree so they could look around you noticed the demon one had wings too and said "yes another winged experiment"

He looked at you confused by you took of your cape reviling your wings you said "I'll teach you how to fly"

Phil buts in and said "its getting night now lets start a fire up and settle in"

You and techno got fire wood and you lit it so everone was sitting atound it night went behind you and techno and layed down to go to sleep you ate some food that you brought on the trip and got apples out for the horses you gave them some of the apples and sat back down and ate a golden carrot and phil was talking to bbh his nickname was and skeppy mumza was all really asleep and you were cuddling techno half asleep within an hour you all were asleep the next day the you heard himans and voices you remembered you got bbh and skeppy on night techno on chocolate mumza and dadza on snow and yelled canta so the horses left you shit into the air and leaded the horse's away and said "more must of found out because i heard more coming"

About 5 hours later you got to a village and they let you all in and you got the the water fountain so the horses could drink "about 2 hours befor we get home walking so a short trip to go"

You all stayed there about 30 minutes and left for home it was getting dark but soon ya'll be home so about 45 minutes later you got there and shroud came running to you and didn't let go bbh asked "omg who is this cute spiderling"

You laughed and said "he's shroud when i was in that hell pit we had a room together i would try to protect him if possible and he's grown attached to is new"

Tomy ran out and saw you all and yelled there back inside and phil said "get ready to meet other experiments theres alot"

Everone came out to see skeppy said "you weren't joking"

Shroud went to go find Tommy and you and techno went upstairs

ut the way and got changed and went to sleep you woke up in the middle of the night because of some noise you woke techno up to and ge agreed that he heard something so you both put your capes on and grabbed an axe and went outside to see dream George sapnap sam and the rest you put your axes back and all went inside you told dream there are 2 new experiments he was suprised and about 1 hour later they came down they were worried at first then saw you and techno with them so they came down you waved at them and said "bbh skeppy come meet are friend there really nice promise"

While glaring the boys across the table they sat down

Experiment  (Discontinued) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora