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So after eating techno took you to the back garden phil followed behind and went i to the air techno nodded and you chased after him like a little kid again doon tommy and mumza joined in a full flight tag and you still hadn't been tagged yet but tommy got tug this time so you made and elaborate plan so when he started to chase you your plan kicked into action you went above the clouds and swived down fast enough so tommy couldn't get you in time and you got to the save zone he was obviously pissed that that happened but life is tough he complained to phil saying "its unfair she did that so i couldn't tag her"

Phil laughed and told all of us it was time for bed you all looked at him as he was crazy but mumza agreed with him you refused so you sat down to stop you from movung but phil and mumza was asking techno to pick you up he agreed and picked you up at first you tryed to get out but soon gave up and went to sleep in techno's arms when he was carrying you up the stairs he layed you down and went to bed too at one point he woke up to you cuddling him so he left it as it was you woke up and got on pants and a top with your weapons down by your side and put on your hood so soon after techno got up and hugged you from behind the man was towering over you as you looked up you told him breakfast would be out soon and told him you were going to see phil and the rest soon he nodded let go and went to get changed not to long later he came back fully dressed it had bearly been 5 minutes you put on a mask and went downstairs to meet the rest dragging techno along with you the maids told you "breakfast is ready now make your way to the king please"

You all started to walk in as soon as you did and sat down a group of peiple bursted into the room you and techno pulled weapons out mostly your axes and a sword for good luck if lost axe and they tryed to shoot tommy you got pissed and ran towards them and started to attack them soon the rest followed but the king that was holding shroud with tubbo and tommy protecting them both from harm one of the men were able to cut off your mask revealing your scar and techno yelled out "that was the worst idea you could of possibly went for you nerd"

He looked in terror at you before saying "sorry"

The king saw the scar on your cheek and your eyes went blood shot red and you started to kill faster with your sword chopping the bodys in two soon only a few were left they were good fighters but not good enough to beat everyone there all the food was covered in blood and bodys were everywhere you didn't care how injured you were you looked down and in shock said "omg i got blood on my outfit what the heck, now i have to change" you said rolling your eyes

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