Getting Took

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( you were 13 at the time). You were taking a peaceful walk in the woods but because you had your headphones in you couldnt hear them in time one mastake that if you weren't wearing it you could of escaped and not been tortured foe three years that the price you paid for walking in the woods while it was raining.

You were almost in the middle of the woods listening to your favourite music when all of the sudden you had a hand on your mouth you couldnt see the person nor could you scream the lack of oxygen made you go dizzy and the last thing you saw was black.

You slowly begin opening your eyes  when you feel that your hands and feet were chained to a wall and when you saw the room it was gray and looked old there was a door opposite you and you started to here footsteps coming your way you didn't want whoever that was to know your awake so you diped your head and closed your eyes and relaxed a bit so it looked like you were still unconscious.

When the person came into the room you were in you could here 2 men talk they were saying " where did you find this on i mean we needed another but they still look so young" the other one said " well they'll have to do we dont have a back up and i all ready did the hard work now we just need to break them so they wont get away". They started to walk away and you were thinking that there was no way out no way to contact police im stuck then there was footsteps again they were coming back so you did what you did before then they entered but this time they were laughing and within a second you were drenched in ice cold water so your eyes widening in shock. The first one said " sleeping beauty is awake now" the other one said " now for the fun part". The man that said the last thing they said frightened you what are they going to do is all that your thinking so they locked the door and let you down from the wall but one was guiding you to a chair with the other on standing behind it.

They forced you to sit on it and tide you back up but one left the room and came back with knifes 2 to be honest and they wanted details on you. You didnt say a word so without a thought they cut your arm and said " wrong answer try again answer these we will fix you so you wont get infected". By now your holding back tears and you said " im y/n...... Im 13" they stopped you there and said "see not that hard now is it" one wiped out a first aid kit and fixed up your arm and then relised you form the chair and put a chain on your foot so you couldnt leave and they left.

The next day he entered again this time with needles he said " all you will feel is a pinch". Your eyes widen as he gets closer you try to back up but you hit the wall behind you and he whispered " that was stupid" when he got close enough he raised his voice and said " give me your arm or i will open the cut on the other on" in fear you lifted your arm and then he stick the needle in and said "you'll be different when you wake you" then you blacked out.

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