•Little!Tommy CG!Fundy, Dream, George, Wilbur• (Please don't cry Tommy! Part 2)

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"Here I can cheer him up with a puppet show!"

"Oh that's a great idea! Hey buddy! Look, looky here"

He said while carrying Tommy and made him sat on his lap to his what's happening infront of him

"Fundy is gonna make a puppet show~ you wanna see?"

"Puppet show? Otay!"

Said the boy energetically and started clapping and giggling

"Once a upon a time a little cow is wandering around the field"

Fundy said in a narrator voice. Suddenly George entered the room

"Hey i'm done ordering!"


"Ams watching puppet show!"

They all told him off and he covered his mouth. He sat beside Tommy and watched the show with them too

"The cow always wished he could fly. But it was impossible because he was just a cow"

The boy made a shocked face and said 'oh no' before listening carefully. Dream and George looked at eachother and chuckled quietly

"Then a fairy randomly appeared at the field! She always heard about the cow's wishes and wanted to help him!"

Tommy giggle and clapping his little hands wanting the cow to fly

"Suddenly the fairy appeared"

"HelO LiTtlE cOw dO yOU wAnT to FLy?"

Fundy said trying to impersonate and girly voice, but failing horribly. This made the three of them watching laughed at him

"Oh my! A fairy! Why yes I would! Uhh how though..?"

He said trying to impersonate a deep voice for the cow, and again failing horribly. Tommy laughed at the impersonation and continued listening

"WeLL i WiLL cAsT mY mAgIc spELL On YoU anNnNDd... BoOP"

As soon as the fairy waved her wand and said those words, the little cow began to fly

"Oh wow, i'm actually flying! I'm flying!"

Tommy eyes widen and began to clap his hands

"Wow! Cow cwan fly Dweam wooki!

The boy said while turning Dream's head to the direction of the puppet

"Yes yes buddy, I can see that"

He said with a chuckle, the boy settled down and listened to the show again

"The cow could now fly whenever he wanted to and the fairy happily watch him live his dream, The End"

Fundy said before closing the pretend curtains

"Yaayy tha' was a gweat stowyy! An' and Henwy can flyyy!"

Tommy said while yanking the cow from Fundy and making noises making it seem the cow can fly. Fundy looked at Dream and George in satisfaction. But it seemed like the boy forgot what he did earlier

"Now toms, did you remember what happened earlier?"

The boy looked at him and started to remember what he did, he looked at George with puppy eyes before looking down again

"Will you be a big boy and apologize to Gogy for what you did?"

"Mhm, i big boy"

He slowly walked to George while fiddling his arms together

"I sowwy gogy, I ish hungwy an' I didn'ts listen"

The boy said whilst tears are slowly forming again. George looked at him and cooed, and reassured him he forgave him before he could be a crying mess again

"Aww it's fine sunshine. I know you didn't mean it. I promise gogy forgives you, just don't do it again and listen to what we say ok?"

Tommy sniffled and gave a nod to him before hugging him again

"Now come on, give me a big smile!"

The boy smiled and Dream chuckled how silly they are. Suddenly, the door bell rang

"I'll get it!"

Fundy screamed from the other room. Their food has arrived, so he grabbed the pizza's and gave the delivery man the money and closed the door

"Pizza's here!"

Tommy's eyes lit and started bolting to the kitchen

"Hey kid slow down"

He listened to George and slowly walked to the kitchen and sat at the table. Fundy already made the angel milk and put it on a sippy cup and gave it to Tommy. Who was smiling and squirming around excited for his food. Dream gave him his food and a sippy cup with angel milk. George picked out plates for them. They all happily ate their dinner while the elders talk about big stuff

~after dinner~

"Good job toms, you didn't make a mess while eating!"

"Hehe goochja!"

All three of them gave an audible 'aww' at him

"I really wanna squish him~"



"If he cries again, you deal with him"


Fundy said while Dream was scolding him. After a while, George volunteered to clean up the boy and both elders cleaned the kitchen and washed the dishes. Tommy started getting tired and sleepier every minute so he made grabby hands to George who went to grab his paci. He put it in the boy's mouth and picked him up

"Hey boys, i'm gonna go take this sleepyhead to the room"

They both nodded and George took the boy to the room and put him to sleep. It was a really stressful night but they manage to settle him down before Wilbur arrived. When he did, he thanked the boys for helping and laughed about the situation they handled earlier

A/N: Ok- this was chaos but i like how i wrote it. And thank you so much for blowing up this book with over 1.78k reads (the time i post this may be over that) but really i appreciate it and im gonna keep on posting once in a while (explanation: author's note chapter) Bye lovelies!

Word count: 1396

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