•CG!Phil, Ranboo, Tina, Kevin Little!Tommy• (Babysitters)

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Tina said while nudging at Kevin


"Come on! Don't lie"

"Whatever, yeah I did. It's the least I can do for the litte guy"

They all laughed and went in the house. They both greeted Phil who was sitting on the couch watching Tommy. After talking for a bit, and Phil leaving some instructions to them they both went off leaving Tina and Kevin with Tommy. Tina put the treat at the counter for the boy to eat in some other time. She then went and greeted Tommy

"Hii little guy, remember me?"

Asked Tina while kneeling to the boy's level. Tommy looked up with sparkling blue eyes

"Yesshh!! You is tinaaa! The girl fwom the park"

"What about me bud?"

"Keviii heehe"

Said the boy while clapping his hands excitedly and hugging them both

"Now were here to babysit you since Ranboo and Phil are going somewhere"

"Oh.. So Phwil and Boo weft me?"

"No no! Of course not! They just went somewhere really important, but will go home soon"

"Hmm otay!"

"Very good! So do you wanna do something fun?"


Tina smiled and squished the boy's cheek which made him squirm


"Hehe sorry cutie pie, you're just so adorable!"


She laughed at Tommy's reaction and turned to Kevin

"So what should we do? They said to babysit him for like 5 hours. What do we do to enterain him?"

"Hm well does he have blocks or toys here?"

"Not sure let's ask him. Hey buddy, do you have any toys here you can play with?"

Tommy looked up at her and pointed at a little box on the corner, she went and opened it and saw little blocks and some legos he can play with. She brought it over and sat with him. Kevin sat beside them and decided to play with the boy too

An hour has passed and they're all laughing and joking around while stacking some blocks

"Ahh oh noes, Tinaa your bwocks fell"

"Aw it's ok toms, i'll pick that up"

Then Tommy had a cheeky plan and threw a block at Kevin's tower which instantly fell. His eyes widen at what the boy did and looked at him. Tommy giggled and continued building his

"Why did you do that hm?"

"Becaush ish was funny hehe"

Then Kevin went to Tommy and started tickling his sides

"Oh so you think it's funny? Well i'll give you funny!"

He tickled him non-stop and made the boy laugh and giggle a lot until he gave up

"Otayy otay!! I sowwyy, i'm sowwyyy!"

Tina looked back and laughed at how funny and silly they both are. Kevin stopped and Tommy rolled over to catch his breath

"Well that wore him out quickly"

"Nwo you didn'ts! Tommy still hypwer!"

"Oh yeah? Well what about this!"

He started tickling him again and he giggled even more trying to stop Kevin. He ran to Tina and hid behind her

"Tinaa! The tickle mwonster ish tickling meee!"

He said while pointing at Kevin trying to catch him. Tina chuckled and said

"Well if you don't behave the tickle monster is going to get you"

Tommy instantly settled down which made Kevin laugh too and settled down with the boy

"Ok since you're behaving the tickle monster won't get you"

Tommy giggled again and cuddled at Kevin's arms. He smiled and cuddled the boy back. Tommy then decided to take a nap and slowly put his thumb at his mouth

"Aww both of you are so adorable! Let me snap a pic"

"Woah woah hey-"

Was all Kevin could say before a flash went off

"Don't. You. Dare."

"Now don't you worry Mr. Kevin, I will be keeping this picture and promise to not send it to anyone"

She said in an jokingly intimidating voice and looking straight at him. This made him blush and jokingly rolled his eyes and turned his head away. She laughed and grab the boy's paci and carefully put it in his mouth instead of his thumb. He sucked on it and drift to sleep. Tina sat beside Kevin and watch tiktoks with him for a bit

A few hours passed, the boy started whining and squirming around Kevin's arms. They both looked at him startled, suddenly the boy started crying too and they both panicked

"Oh my, baby what's wrong?"

Asked Tina worriedly rubbing his back is hopes of comforting him. It didn't help and the boy just kept on crying and whining

"Wan baba"

"You want baba? Um what's that sweetie?"

She didn't get an answer and she panicked even more

"Is that a type of candy?"

The boy wailed even more and made her panic again

Then Kevin realized what the Tommy wanted

"No tina it think he wants milk"

"What? Milk? How?!"

"Just trust me. Here, do you want milk bud?"

Tommy sniffled and nodded at him

"You can try comforting him, i'll grab a bottle"

Tina agreed and placed Tommy on to her lap and rocked him, while Kevin went to make him some angel milk. He found a recipe online and said it was good and makes the little feel calm and sleepier. He warmed it up and hurriedly gave Tina the bottle

"Here you go sweetie, don't cry here's your milk! Look!"

Tommy's cries soften and sniffled again, he gladly took the bottle and started sucking on it until it was only a little left and fell asleep again. Kevin and Tina let out a big sigh and sat down

"Here take him, I don't have the muscle strength go carry him that long"

Kevin chuckled at her and took the boy into his lap without waking him up. They had a really productive afternoon and happy that the boy decided to take a nap without any fuss. Now they're just gonna wait for Phil and Ranboo to go home so they can go home and relax a bit

A/N: Soo yeah i decided to make a chapter with Tina and Kevin with it! If yall want me to make a second part or a little sequel, i'll gladly do. And i know this chapter aint perfect but im doing my best😭 Anyways, bye lovelies!

Word Count: 1506

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