Epilogue | Alonzo

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10 years later

"Reagan." I beg over the phone. "Can we just please go to the hospital?"

"No! I am not done!" She snaps.

I sigh. "The sitter is already coming to watch Silas. We have to go!"

Silas is four, but he is much more mature than he looks. "Daddy, I can just stay here all by myself." He says it all matter-of-a-factly.

"I bet you could, but mommy and I might be gone a while." I tell him as I shove the phone between my cheek and shoulder and rush around to pack the hospital bag.

"Is it tummy time?" He asks.

I nod my head. "Yes, it's tummy time." I answer as I rush past him. "Si, why don't you go get the gift you got for mommy ready so when we come home you can give it to her." I suggest.

"Okay Daddy." He replies, walking out of the room into his own.

I plop the phone on the bed and put it on speaker as I continue to pack the bag. "Amore, please leave work and come home so I can drive you to the hospital." I beg. "I already called your parents, they are flying down."

"Alonzo, I've done this before with Silas, I know what I'm doing." She counters. "No, the tournament is next weekend." She talks to someone in the room with her. "Yes! I get it." She snaps, letting out a huff of air.

We opened up a golf course a few years back, Reagan really likes working there, she likes owning the place, bossing people around. We've created a really nice community on the course. In fact, one of the cart boys is Silas's sitter, they really clicked whenever Silas came to work with us.

"I'm going to come and pick you up." I say as I zippered the completed hospital bag.

"No! I have to shower!" She protests. "Listen, I'm getting in the car now, just meet me there." She groans in pain from contractions before ending the call.

My God.

"Silas, I have to go, Masen is pulling up on his bike now." I tell him after I find him in the living room.

"Is mommy being stubborn again?" He asks curiously.

I chuckle, bending down to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Isn't she always. I'll see you in a bit."

"Mr. Johnson? I'm here." Masen calls out.

"Thanks Masen, call me if there are any problems. I'll let you know when we are coming back." I say as I walk out the door.

"Bye daddy!" Silas calls out and waves through the window as I pull out the driveway.

I keep trying to call Reagan, but she is being too stubborn to pick up until just as I am pulling up at the hospital. "Yes?" I ask, answering the call.

"Where are you?!" She spits angrily over the phone.

I spot her holding her swollen belly standing at the hospital entrance. Nurses are trying to get her in, but she is refusing. "I'm coming!" I end the call and park the car, running up to her.

"Took ya long enough!" She complains, finally sitting in the wheelchair.

Nearly twelve hours later that heartwarming cry comes from the doctor's hands as he pulls out our child. "It's a girl." He declares.

"A girl!" Reagan and I both say it at the same time, but she squeals when she says it. "Louisa Emily it is!" Reagan squeals.

The doctor puts Louisa on Reagan's chest. "I love you." I kiss her eyebrow, pushing the hair out of her face.

"Hmm, I bet you do." She chuckles, fully exhausted, but happy with our complete, happy, safe, normal family


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