Fifteen | Reagan

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 I woke up in my bed— I don't remember coming in here. I must have sleep walked back in. But it was nice to fall asleep watching the water. And even wake up to the sun beating on my cheeks. Looking over, Buchanon is sprawled out on the other side of the bed. He looks so adorable.

I put my hand on his abdomen and he stirs awake. "Good morning." I mutter with a hoarse voice.

I sit up, stretching my arms out, letting out a tired groan. When I stand up off the bed, it makes me dizzy as I stand up too fast. I hold my head momentarily before I walk towards my window. The sun is already beating down heavily. How late did I sleep in? I glance up to a clock that is on the side of the wall that reads that it's half past ten. It seems like my sleep schedule is getting back on track.

Since the sunlight is already beaming upon us, I am sweating. I quickly take off my sweats and hoodie, replacing it with a black bandeau bikini that is high cut on the bottoms so most of my ass is indeed hanging out. Over top of the swimsuit, I put on a deep green fadalo cover up. I decide against shoes before I walk out of my room with my book in hand, with Buchanon following behind.

I don't go to the kitchen for some food, so instead I go out to the back deck with full intentions of going right into the pool. But instead, my eyes get caught on a fully tattooed back. There are obvious muscles down the length of his back, all of it covered in ink. They go down his arms too.

Alonzo is standing on the edge of the deck, dripping wet. His shorts are bunched up around his muscled thighs as well. It's getting even hotter here. I don't even realize he turns around noticing me. But I continued my gaze over his abs, astonished at how well God made this man look. His arms are as thick as my neck with a large hand with long slender fingers. His naturally tan skin runs under dark leg hair. No tattoos on his legs. But tattoos do run all over his abdomen. Also, not going unnoticed, there is a dramatic and sizable scar that runs over his peck down to his first set of abs.

"Are you done staring?" He scoffs. His Italian accent makes him that much hotter.

I grin. "I can look at you whenever I want." I use his own words against him. Surprisingly this doesn't make him mad. He just chuckles at my response.

He steps close to me, bending down to whisper something into my ear. "Can't argue with that." Then he walks away.

Talk about a tease.

Evidently flustered, I just shake my head, forgetting about that insanely hot encounter. I unwrap my coverup, letting it fall onto the floor behind me before I step into the pool. I dunk underneath the water first to get used to the temperature. Immediately my skin is met with the cool waters, making me shiver for a moment before I get used to it. Go under the water, opening my eyes to look at the clear bottom, holding my nose closed to be safe.

The seafloor is full of sand. The boat is not moving so the same dark rock is in my sighs. The pool isn't so deep, only about three-four feet. Coming back up for air, I walk to the side to wipe my hands dry on my coverup. I kneel, leaning against the pool and continue to read my book I started yesterday.

As soon as I get Alonzo's hot image out of my head and focus on my reading, I hear someone come up from behind me walking towards the edge of the deck. I risk a glance and I let out a sigh of relief when I see it's not him. It's a younger man, setting a cup of coffee on a table beside the edge of the pool for me.

"Thank you." I smile at him gratefully. He nods his head, with a curt smile before walking back.

I just go back to try and focus on my book.


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