Fifty-two | Reagan

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 I've never been kidnapped before, so you can imagine my surprise when when I wake up, I'm not in a dark dingy cage, but rather a soft, white bedroom. "What the hell—?" I mumble as I sit up, looking around. My eyes lock onto Remy who is sitting on a chair next to the bed.

"You're finally awake! I'm so glad!" She exclaims, rushing over to give me a hug. "You went into anaphylactic shock from the disgusting fishing boat." She laughs.

I grab my throat and swallow, my throat is still swollen. "Remy." My voice is hoarse.

"Yes? Are you hungry? Thirsty?" She rushes.

I shake my head. "Remy, where are we?" I ask.

"Turkey." She answers with a smile.

"Why are we in Turkey?" I press.

"Because this is where that team is. You know, the one I was talking about earlier." She states.

My brows scrunch. "The team to 'take the Napolitani name down forever'." I quote her. "Why? I mean I understand that Nico is a terrible person but—"

"Exactly. Nico and Alonzo are Mafia leaders who have hurt us and so many other people. Therefore they need to be taken down." She is so vague about all of this. Like it's easy to take down the Mafia with a little team.

I don't understand why she'd want to go after Alonzo. "Alonzo is your son, he hates Nico as much as you and I do." I explain.

"He is still one of them."

"He had to be. He had no other choice." I respond, angry because she wants to hurt Alonzo. I can't allow her to do that.

"He has still hurt so many people. Including you." She says.

"When?" I question in disbelief.

She shrugs her shoulders. "After Church."

I think back. After Church he pulled me into the car, yes, harshly, but he was angry at his father. Afterward he grabbed my by the chin and it hurt like a bitch but he was just angry at her father. He loves me and wishes no harm onto me.

"That was nothing—"

"Is it nothing when he controls you all the time? Hussles you around everywhere?" She pushes.

She is trying to get me to hate him. That can't happen. "I don't hate him. And I won't ever." I grimace.

"You'll come to your senses eventually." She sighs. "Come on, there is a meeting in five minutes."

"A meeting? Why do I have to attend?" I ask, watching as she walks towards the door.

"Because you're a part of the team now." She winks.

Does Alonzo know that? Does he believe that I'm a part of the team that is going to take him down? Does he even know what is going on? Evelyn saw me being pushed over. She had to have told Alonzo so he knows I didn't willingly jump to join them.

"Hurry, hurry." She waves me forward with her. Someone changed me into a t-shirt and shorts when I was out.

"How long was I out for?" I ask her as I walk next to her.

She shrugs her shoulders again. "About a week."

"A week?!" I exclaim, utterly shocked. I've had allergic reactions twice before, but I was only out for mere hours. It was probably a mix of all the stress from the— everything that happened that night. "Was I dead?" I question.

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