Twenty-four | Reagan

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 I wake up to Alonzo grunting at someone over the phone in the kitchen. He sounds very angry and I want nothing to do with it. Therefore, I just continue to lay here for a while scratching Buchanon's head since he is so conveniently tucked underneath my arm. I lift my head just enough to see if Lorenzo is here but he is nowhere to be seen. He must have gone to hang out with Alonzo.

Soon enough, I hear him angrily end his call, slamming his fist into something. I then hear footsteps making their way towards me. Without hesitation, I close my eyes to fake sleep.

"Reagan." He coos softly, walking closer and pulling a hand on my shoulder, shaking gently. "Reagan, it's time to wake up."

I stirr awake again and sit up. "Hmm?" I groan as I stretch out my arms.

"I really am sorry, but we have to get back home." He explains in a pained, regretful tone.

At first I feel hopeful thinking that he was referring to my home back in the states, but I'm disappointed. I brush the impossible thought from my mind. But I understand. It's most likely just some work or business that has popped up. I guess I'm not surprised, I was just hoping that I could just stay longer. I guess I'll just go roam around the huge prison of a mansion they call home.

"Oh okay." I sigh, sitting up from the bed.

He looks down, hanging his head. "I'm sorry. I really wish we could stay but we have to get back."

I flash a fake smile. "It's fine. Some other time I guess." I shrug, standing from the bed. "What time are we leaving?" I ponder.

He checks his watch. "In the next seven minutes."

"What?!" I gasp, rushing into the bathroom.

"Don't bother doing anything. Just change into some comfortable clothes. We'll be on the plane for an hour or so." He explains to me.

I come back into the bedroom. "Really?" I question.

"Yeah, you can just relax on the plane and when we get home you can go on and do whatever." He says, "I'll drop you home then I have to go to work."

Here I thought I'd have to make an appearance too. Ha! Thank goodness I don't. "Well in that case..." I grab my pack and quickly change into a pair of dark denim shorts and a simple white tank top paired with some slip-on converse. My hair finds itself in a distressed looking ponytail. "Vwa la." I come back in and he is tapping away at his phone before looking up to me.

"Perfect, lets go." He begins to lead me to the door and the dogs follow. "W-wait, what about our stuff?" I ask, looking back at our bags.

"They'll come, someone will come and grab them." He states.

I laugh at that. "Nonsense. We are capable of carrying a few bags." I walk back and grab mine and the dogs' bag, handing Alonzo his. His brows furrow, but he reluctantly takes it. "Come on." I say, walking out the door.

We walk to the elevator and out to the lobby. Alonzo goes up to the counter and hands over the key, checking us out. Once he was done, we went out to a black SUV and got inside. I hope into the passenger seat while the dogs sit in the back and Alonzo drives. I can tell he is spreading, but what is a speeding ticket to him? I even notice a cop watch us speed by yet he catches the person that was behind us, not us.

I want to ask why we weren't pulled over but my guess is that he owns the police somehow and no rules apply to him.

We get to an airport, and instead of walking through the entire thing, us along with a few other black SUVs pull into the actual runway of the airport and into a private strip where a medium-sized black airplane waits. I've never seen a black airplane before. It looks rich from the outside. I can't imagine what the inside entails.

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