Six | Reagan

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After we were done signing everything, I decided to go back to my room and change out of the outfit I was in, replacing it with a pair of sweats and a crewneck hoodie. I was told to just go to my room and stay there. I was just about to do what I have been doing, but instead I got up and pulled a pair of socks over my cold feet and walked to the door. I peek out of the doorway, looking for Marco, but I don't see him. I take the opportunity and make my way down the hallway.

I haven't been out of my room freely so I will take this into my own hands. Therefore, I wonder about the quiet, empty halls all by myself. I take my time as I leisure through the dark corridors. It's so quiet and peaceful.

Quiet until I hear a pitter patter from behind me at the end of the hall. I whip around thinking it's the devil's hounds here to get me— but am just embarrassed when I don't see anything.

This house gives me the creeps enough as it is. It doesn't help that I continue to hear the pitter pattering when I continue down a few more halls. Finally fed up, knowing that I am not crazy, I turn around again.

My breath hitches when I see two large, strong doberman dogs facing me with their pointy ears pointing at the sky. They begin to take steps towards me. I take those steps back until I am back against a wall. The two beasts show teeth as they begin to close in on me.

Fear and panic radiates through me, giving me the chills. I try to keep on my feet but my knees give up on me and I slide to the ground, craning my neck upwards as they come even closer to me.

"No, nice dogs... sit." They make no reaction to my orders. "Lay down? Off? Release?"

They do absolutely nothing but advance, baring their teeth with a low growl. I've never been afraid of dogs, I love them actually, but these dogs, these dogs are not loving, lap dogs that just play fetch and snuggle.

"Please?" I squeak, pinching my eyes shut out of fear. "Help?"

"Ricaderci." A deep, husky, demanding voice orders before the other end of the hall.
[Translation: Fall back.]

Immediately, the two dogs back off and fall back and stand on either side of none other than my soon to be husband, staring down at me with a sinister grin. He begins to step towards me and I remain frozen. He stands over me, looking down at me with his piercing grey eyes.

I scramble to my feet, my face flushes in embarrassment. "T-thank you." I mumble quietly.

"Cosa stai facendo qui?" His voice is so nice to hear, to listen to. He hasn't spoken since I've seen him. I like his voice. It's deep, and strong.
[Translation: What are you doing?]

I snap out of my dazed faze to respond. "No habla Italiano?" I try to say what I learned in Spanish class. I hope it's the same thing.

He smirks. "What are you doing here." He repeats with less of a question and more demand. His accent is thicker than his fathers. He wears an expensive black suit with a crisp black button up underneath.

"I-I was just going for a walk." I answer truthfully.

"Weren't you told to report to your room?" He questions with a hard look on his face.

"Y-yeah but I was just..." I can't think of an excuse.

He leans in closer. "Just what?"

No one this hot has ever been this close to me. "Just went for a walk." I answer, beginning to get flustered.

"You have to get back to your room now." He orders calmly.

My head tilts to the side, confused. "And why is that?" I snap back, confidently, leaning on my hip as I cross my arms over my chest.

Alonzo looks me up and down with a look only the Lord would understand. He opens his mouth to say something but then closes it, as if he heard something. I look around but no one other than us, and the dogs are here. He seems to be listening to something instantly as he leans into his right side. His face turns stone cold and he brings his two fingers to his right ear.

"Manda tutti fuori armati. Sarò lì tra dieci minuti." The foregin words slip off his tongue with ease. I don't even care what he said, it was hot. He looks back at me with an angry look.
[Translation: Send everyone out armed. I'll be there in ten minutes.]

"What is that look for?" I squeak nervously, pulling my arms close to my side, bending my one knee. It looks like I'm cowering at his feet.

He doesn't mutter a single word. He instead turns and cocks his head, signaling for me to follow him. I can't help but scoff at his arrogance. He snaps back, staring at me with a stern, angered look.

"I am not one of your dogs." I roll my eyes bravely.

He takes steps dangerously close to me until I feel his breathing on my eyelashes. "Guardando il tuo tono." He says with a deep voice full of frustration.
[Translation: Watch your tone.]

I am going to regret this... "I don't know who you believe you are talking to. I am not some scum that will follow your orders."

Called it.

Alonzo gripped my wrist with a hostile hold. I feel the bruises forming already. He begins to drag me down the hallway. I wall fists on his forearm to let me go, but he doesn't. I stare at his cool tattooed wrists that peek through this dress shirt. Alonzo's cold rings dig into my wrist adding to the pain.

I think quickly and kick my foot into the back of Alonzo's knee, making him falter. His grip loosens slightly, giving me a small window of time to wrench my arm away from him. I am able to escape for a second before he catches both my wrists, staring into my eyes with his angry grey ones.

"Non lo tollererò." He growls before he throws me over his shoulder with ease. In shock, I freeze over his shoulder over the contact and the fact that he can even lift me. Self confidence rises.
[Translation: I will not tolerate it.]

Snapping back to reality, I attempt to kick and scream. Alonzo easily silences me by landing a hard smack on my ass. I let out a yelp, cursing at him silently. My foul language makes him grunt angrily.

Soon enough we made it to my bedroom hallway. Marco is waiting at my door unknowingly. I guess he didn't know that I was out. "Che cazzo, Marco?" Alonzo snaps as he kicks my bedroom down open.
[Translation: What the fuck, Marco?]

"I-I didn't know she wasn't there!" Marco follows us inside the room, staring at me with a look full of hatred. I smirk devilishly. I win.

Alonzo throws me hostility onto the bed, snatching my chin to look at him. "Don't you ever disobey my orders again." English, wow.

He throws my head away as if discarding it before marching out of the room. Marco turns to me. "What the f—"

I hold up my hand. "Don't even." I roll my eyes, sitting back into the bed, doing as told...


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