Twenty | Alonzo

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 We make it to a merchants shop area and I notice Reagan slow down, looking deeply into the shops. I pull us over and into one of them and she smiles thankfully up at me before removing her arm from my elbow going further into the tent.

While she looks through, I nonchalantly wave down one of the guards who casually walks over. "Si, capo?" He greets.

I fish my card out of my pocket and hand it to him. "Dammi un po' di soldi." I order, asking him to get me some cash.

He nods his head. "Si, capo." He responds.

"Veloce." I add and he picks up his pase.

I don't notice when Reagan is at my side again. "Did you make a friend?" She asks, looking at the guards retreating form before he disappears.

"Something like that." I grin. "Did you find anything you liked?" I ask.

She glances back before starts to walk again. "No, what would I do with all that pottery?" She giggled slightly before going into the next tent.

I don't follow her in, just wait at the entrance for the guard to bring me the cash and my card. I watch the surroundings instinctively. A new instinct is that my eyes continue to drift and check on Reagan. I notice she is looking at a set of silver jewelry on a dainty chain.

"Capo." My guard greets me, handing me the money.

"Grazie." I reply, nodding my head. I push the cash into my pocket along with my card. The guard goes back to his post and I walk into the tent next to Reagan. She sees me coming and stands up straight, pushing away from the jewelry she found. "Find anything?" I ponder.

"No." She lies. I watch her eyes drift to the thin gold chain again.

I sense that she doesn't want to show or say that she wants anything, so I take the liberty to do it for her. "This is beautiful, no?" I pick up the silver necklace with a teardrop shaped stone that shines in the light.

She smirks, looking at the jewel. "It is." Reagan admits.

"I think I want to see it on you." I simply state.

She snaps out of her drooling state and looks at me. "No, no." She shakes her head.

"I say yes." With one hand, I turn her around and clip the necklace around her neck. Spinning her back, I see the stone fall onto her sternum delicately.

"Póso?" I switch languages to Greek to the lady that runs the stand.

"Gia sas éna ómorfo zevgári, 75,02 evró." She answers.

I smirk at her compliment on calling us a "pretty couple" as I pull out the money. I give her some extra and she thanks me. "Come on." I urge Reagan with a gentle smile.

When we make it out of the tent she looks up at me. "You didn't have to do that." She states.

"I think I did." I smirk.

She rolls her eyes, laughing slightly. "Thank you though." She pinches the stone between her fingers, smiling down at it.

"No need to thank me." I replied.

The rest of the day is spent in these shops. We must have visited a hundred different tents. I didn't buy anything for myself, but Reagan found a couple more things. She even found a tent for dogs and tried to convince me to get a new collar for Lorenzo and Buchanon, but that was a hard no. She found ones that were crocheted with bow ties. My dogs only have metal chains for collars. She almost got me to do it just for her— how I don't understand.

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