Fifty-eight | Reagan

Start from the beginning

"Stop!" I beg.

"The more you pull against the rope, the tighter it gets." Marco says quietly beside me. I freeze, not wanting it to be any tighter. "Just relax, and don't speak."

"That's probably not a good idea..." Matteo says nonchalantly, walking towards us into the light with a small knife, twirling it in his hand. "The more you speak, the less this will hurt. Or even better, scream and this will be all that more satisfying for me."

This guy is coo-coo.

"Who would like to go first?" Matteo asks us.

"Don't touch her." Marco says with an angry voice.

I snap to look at him. "No, no." I don't want Marco to get hurt, he can't get hurt, he can't die. He has to get home to his family.

"Oh? Reagan wants to save the day?" Matteo teases.

"No, she doesn't." Marco says through his teeth. He is still staying loyal to Alonzo, putting his life on the line for me.

"But I think I'd rather make her scream." Matteo smiles. "That was my original plan, to hurt her to torture Alonzo with." He snaps his fingers and the door suddenly bursts open, and a struggling Alonzo is carried in. He is bloody and weak but continues to fight the people that brought him in.

Alonzo is tied down by chains just out of my reach. Seeing him like this makes my heart burn. "I swear to God if you touch her!" Alonzo shouts, blood spraying out of his mouth with everything he says.

Out of spite, Matteo slaps me across the face before coming behind me and holds me by my hair, forcing my head back and a sharp blade is pressed to my neck. Alonzo screams, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Don't touch her!" He struggles and pulls against the chains, making them rattle.

"You've become so vulnerable, Aonzo." Matteo teases, tracing the blade across my neck in an uneven line.

"Hurt me all you want, don't lay a hand on her!" Alonzo shouts, his voice breaking. "Just don't hurt her." He says quietly, choking back tears.

Matteo straightens out, stepping around me and in front of Alonzo. "Although I'd really like you to just kill you right now, I want it to hurt first."

The small knife that was once in his hand is suddenly lodged into my stomach. I groan in pain as Alonzo screams again, cursing Matteo out. "Stop!" He screams.

"Don't look at me! Don't look!" I shout at Alonzo. I don't want him to see me like this, I know this is hurting him.

Matteo pushes the knife into my stomach making me scream. I'm trying not to be loud because that's what Matteo wants. Another pain in my leg shoots up. When I look down, it's another knife. He twists it slightly before ripping it right back out, along with the one in my stomach too.

"Ahh..." I groan weakly.

"God, I've wanted to ruin your happiness all along. I've been so sick of you, Alonzo." Matteo says.

What happiness? Alonzo has never been happy in this.

"The way you bossed us all around all the time, I mean, it's so annoying!" Matteo exclaimed. "You scared everyone into submission, it was difficult for me to find a team." He admits. "Everyone was too scared to betray you."

"Or too loyal." Marco speaks up.

Matteo snaps his head towards Marco. "Loyal?" He spits. "Loyal? No one is truly loyal. People care too much about themselves. Tsk." Matteo uses a larger blade to pull up Marco's jaw so he is looking at him.

"Or you just care too much about yourself." Marco taunts. Marco has some guts to be back talking to the kidnapper with a large knife.

The knife punctures his jaw, I see the blood running down his neck, but Marco doesn't even flinch. "I am not the selfish one here, Alonzo is." He points the big knife in Alonzo's direction. "He is selfish. Him." He is almost hysterical about it. Matteo goes around Alonzo, gripping his hair and puts the knife against his cheek. "Che bella donna che hai, Alonzo." He says into Alonzo's ear as they both stare at me.

"Non parlare di lei cosí." Alonzo responds.

Marco smiles devilishly. "Quanto saresti arrabbiato se la toccassi?"

Alonzo struggles against the restraints and tries to lunge at Marco. "What did he say?" I whisper to Marco.

He shakes his head. "You don't want to know." He replies.

"I do!" I argue back.

Matteo walks over and behind me, collecting all my long hair and pushes it to my side. "I just love all this hair." He coos, taking a large chunk. The next thing I know he runs the blade across it and cuts off half of it. "I asked Alonzo how angry he would be if I," He puts face close to my neck, I felt his disgusting breath on my neck, "if I touched you."

I wince, pulling myself away from him. "Don't touch me!" I demand with a loud voice. That mother cut my hair. Why my hair.

The ropes are suddenly cut away from me, and Matteo picks me up, walking me closer to Alonzo. I fight against him, trying to wrap my arms around his neck and comfort him. Matteo puts his hands on my waist, bringing his face closer to my neck. I pull away from him but he holds my arms behind my back, keeping me there.

"Don't!" Alonzo screams.

"Hmm." He puts his nose against my neck and brings his lips to the base of my neck. "This is a private thing, isn't it?" He smiles evilly and pulls me out of the room, shutting the door behind us.

I can hear Alonzo's screams as Matteo forces be down the hallway back to my cell. He throws me into the cell, locking the door. I let out a relieved sigh after he leaves. I was really terrified he'd touch me.

The pain in my head, stomach and leg all make me pass out onto the cold hard floor.


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