Thirteen | Reagan

Start from the beginning

A couple days went by and we were going back into the plane. When we got here it was just us on the plan. Once again it was but dad's friends tagged along too. Mom and I didn't see them though. They sat in the back of the plane talking while mom and I watched television.

Mom had fallen asleep and I just couldn't because I was amazed by the clouds we passed. They all thought I was sleeping, so they talked louder than before.

"Please. Is there any way?" My father pleaded.

There was a heavy silence before a man replied. "I've given you everything. The only way to back out would end with you and your wife out of the picture. Either way, your daughter will be with my son."

I didn't understand what that meant then. Now I do. They tried to get me out of it. If me being here keeps them alive, I will take the responsibility.

Soon enough, I was out of the shower and finished blow drying my hair. With a towel wrapped around my body, I stepped out into the bedroom, and into the closet. I flip through the clothes. Each article of clothing is expensive and fancy. Wanting to look hot on the boat, I find a white romper that cuts low on my chest, and should make my ass look good. I pair it with some strappy brown sandals. My toes are still painted white from the wedding, and my manicure too. My fingers are empty of the large rock that was born to be there. Thankfully the ring is gorgeous, so I picked it up off of my bedside table and put it on.

Looking fantastic, I pull a pair of square sunglasses to sit on top of my head when I walk out of my bedroom. Marco is waiting outside for me. "Mrs. Napolitani." He greets me with a pressing voice.

"Where is the nearest book store?" I question.

He shoots me a questioning look. "Mrs. Napolitani, we have to get on the boat." He states.

"And we will. I want to have something to do on said boat. Therefore, you will take me to the nearest book store." I order. Using authority in my voice. If I am going to have power here, I'll damn well use it.

He sighs, shaking his head lightly. "Yes ma'am, this way." He obeys, leading me down the stairs and to the car.

Marco opens the door for me and I get in. "Thanks peach." I grin.

He rolls his eyes getting into the driver's seat. Soon enough we made it to a large book store. In big vintage letters it says, "La Brande Libreria". The large historic looking building has at least two floors on the inside.

Marco walks around and opens the car door for me. I step out— feelin' all powerful and what not.

He follows me into the building and immediately we are greeted by the amazing scent of new books. The building is more beautiful on the inside. Stacks on stacks on stacks of books!

Completely ignoring Marco's presence as I whisk through all the cases. Any and all books I collect, I hand to Marco for him to hold. I mainly feel bad for treating him this way, but he'll get over it. I laugh at the childish thought. All the books I here are in Italian, but there is a tourist section where the books are all English. There is also a large book that says "Italian for Dummies". I snag that as well.

"Mrs. Napolitani..." Marco's pressing tone sounds from behind me.

I turn. "Yes Marco?" I say. "Are your legs getting tired?" I laugh a little bit to tease him.

He sighs. "Mrs. Napolitani, it's been over an hour..." He points out.

"Well, lucky for you, I am done with shopping here." I state.

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