Chapter Four: Hunt

Start from the beginning

          I stood confidently in the sun, "Who's there? I can sense you."

          Two piercing red eyes illuminated in the alley, "Wh-Who am I?"

          I was startled to see it was a child, like me, "A vampire? Who turned you?"

          "M-Master?" a taller female vampire now stood behind the child.

          "Master? I'm not your master," I argued and backed away from them.

          "Jenkins.." the female vampire whispered.

          I flinched and began to tremble, "He's dead."

          "Hun..gry.." the child growled, his eyes bulging.

          I glanced around and saw that no one else was here. For some reason, I felt the need to hunt. I've never felt this way before but I was territorial. Without thinking about it, I turned into my true form with ease. The other two were definitely just awakened and the blood was theirs but it was impossible for Jenkins to be their master. The female vampire attempted to step into the light but immediately screamed as her body burned in the sun. The sun reflected on her pale skin enough to see their bleeding necks. They were bitten and turned only moments ago. However, I couldn't sense another vampire anywhere that would be responsible for the crime. I was on all fours and my nails grew into claws. The child was afraid and ran from me.

          I snarled and chased after him like a feral cat. The child tripped and was weakly reaching out. I'm sorry, my comrade. I jumped on his back and bit into his neck. There were already four punctures on it and I was afraid for a second that it was Jenkins who changed him. This blood tasted foul. They weren't fully changed but they are still dangerous in this state. Every inch of me wanted to hunt. Now, I had my prey. Instead, I channeled my anger and devoured him until I reached a part that wasn't what I was expecting.

          'Wh.. Where am I?' a small glowing orb asked.

          My eyes were closed and this was happening in my head. I was a silver orb myself but slightly larger than him. His orb was a faint red color and shined when he spoke.

          'I-I'm not sure. In my head, I think. You're with me now,' I said.

          'I'm happy. Please take care of my essence, miss. Thank you for ending my misery. Please give my mother mercy,' he said and merged into my orb.

          His essence? He's a part of me now? I need to find his mother. I opened my eyes and I fell a few inches to the stone pavement when the child turned to dust. Suddenly, she was perched above me, snarling and her body was still smoking.

          "Jenkins!" she screeched and leapt in my direction.

          I jumped back and she hit the stone walkway so hard it exploded. We hissed at each other and I was faster since I was smaller than her. I darted in her direction and she grabbed my forehead with the palm of her hand. Her eyes were locked on my neck. In a panic, I went to grab her jaw. Her mouth opened and my hand went sideways between her lips. She bit down on the tender flesh between my thumb and pointer finger. She was feeding on me. Tears welled in my eyes but she quickly released me and held herself.

          "M-Master.. Jenkins.." she cried and her eyes softened.

          Damn. She took my blood and now she's my servant. Backing away from me, she was swaying side to side. My entire body throbbed and my hunger was too intense. Her body wouldn't be enough. Anger blinded me and I lashed out. This is Jenkins's fault! This has to be! I attacked and jumped on the woman. My legs wrapped around her ribs and I strangled her. With a scream of frustration, I ripped off her head. When her body turned to dust, I weakly fell sideways. I gripped my upper arms and my body was failing me. What have I done? I killed my own kind.

          Fear took over and I looked into the light at the end of the alley. My dress was visible from the top of my bag. I had dropped it. Howl. I bought the dress because of Howl. My dad. He can help me. I winced but my body wasn't turning back, no matter how hard I tried. I was too hungry. The sounds of footsteps in the dark alley startled me and my fangs yearned for blood. I'm a danger to the witches and wizards here if I stay here any longer. I forced myself to stand and darted to my bag.

          It crumpled in my hands when I snatched it from the ground and I ran for the Floo Network. More people were here and I prayed no one would recognize me. However, I was in my other form, my true form. I kept my head low and did my best to avoid colliding into anyone. My heart was pounding and I finally reached the network. Clumsily throwing down the powder, I could barely cry out for the Burrow. 

Sophie Pendragon, Year Two | Half-Vampire At HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now