Chapter Thirty Four

Start from the beginning

Amira's tone was hypnotic, my breaths became deep, my limbs were starting to relax. I let my mind float away and find the peace that I knew Amira would help me find. For the first time in weeks, I felt nothing. No joy, no pain, no happiness, no sadness. Everything washed past me. My mind was empty, I felt no ties. 

Good, now what do you sense around you? What do you hear? What do you feel? Amira asks quietly. 

The chirping of birds sung melodically in the background, the rushing sounds of water filled my ears as the waves crashed against the rocks. The earth felt warm but grass felt fresh with its evening dew. The leaves whistled in the background and there was a small breeze in the air. The peace draped over me like a warm blanket. 

Excellent. Now open your eyes. Amira whispered. 

As I opened my eyes the most extraordinary thing appeared in front of me. The leaves that were whistling were halted in the air, the water that was crashing had taken shape and form in midair, it was floating in spheres. The trees that were swaying and stood tall, were now bowed and cleared a path at which two figures stood front and centre. 

Amira is this what you are doing? My voice wavered. 

No Leyla, this is what we are doing. Amira proudly replies. 

The two figures quickly move with urgency through the path that the trees have made. Both of them have a look of awe but concern on their faces. My parents stand tall, for the first time I see that they are united as my father grasped my mother's hand. Both of them have a soft smile of their face and I can see as they look around that they are relaxed despite the power I am exhibiting. Shame soon hits me as I realise what I did to my father and a part of me what's to scurry away, scared of his reaction, scared of his rejection. It's then that the confidence I felt starts to waver. 

DON'T! Amira shouts. You have to accept what has happened and embrace it. You can't change the past, but you can change the future. You only have to accept what life has thrown at you. You have parents who have regretted not being in your life. They both love you and care for you. Look at them. Look at their faces! They do not fear you one bit, they love you and want your acceptance. You are fighting against fate Leyla, the minute you stop. You will find clarity. Amira explains. 

As I look at my parents face, I see the same look that Nona gave me. Love. Their faces are soft, their worry and concern as I finally accept the parental bond. I feel their emotions run through me. Their worry that they have hurt me, their fear that I won't ever truly accept them, their pain that I might have believed their words. 

That's it Leyla, trust me. They won't hurt you, they will help us. They will do whatever they can to see you thrive and live the life you deserve. No one will hurt you without getting past them. If you don't trust them, trust and believe in me. Amira finishes. 

It's then that I transform to my human form. The power that was running through my bones, no longer frightens me. I finally feel in control. I stand their in my white sun dress, my feet bare as they clasp the grass beneath me. I look at the two people who desperately want my acceptance, who will fight for me until their last breath. I trust Amira, I believe in Amira, she has always fought for me when I had no fight left in me. 

"Mum... Dad..." I whisper with tears in my tears. My mother gasps as my Dad chokes down his tears. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry I hurt you." I finish. 

Both of them rush to my side and wrap their arms around me. Tightly squeezing me between them. I can feel their tears leak down on my head. Their love and devotion hum gently through the newly developing bond. Both them making soothing sounds, hushing me as I cry and let my waterworks flow.

 "Leyla you have nothing to be sorry about. We are sorry for saying such callous and horrid things." My mother chokes out. "I thought your anger would help you realise your potential. I didn't mean to cause you pain. I'm the one who has to be sorry."

"Leyla we may not have known you, but from the second that I realised I had a child with Lily. I loved you, even when I thought you were dead. A spot in my heart was claimed solely for you. You have nothing to be sorry about. It's all my fault." He sobs out. 

All of us are tightly holding together, not wanting to let go. All I can feel is Amira's happiness as she feels me accept the inevitable. That my parents are alive and that I am loved. The hole that Nona had left behind was slowly being filled with love of parents that thought they had lost me forever. It's then that I push them back and wipe my face. I give them a small smile. 

"Watch this." I say. 

I raise my hands following Amira's guidance, the water from the stream moves upwards and starts trailing around us, the water creating a bubble that has cocooned us. My father's face filled with awe as he looks at the water surrounding us, my mother looking at me with pride as she smirks at my capabilities. 

"I think I am understanding my powers more." I say with a small smile. 

Amira hums in delight. She knew all along that my powers didn't need to come from a place of pain, anger or hate. She knew that I would find my control in a place of harmony, she knew that I needed to stop running from the pain. She knew that I needed to accept what was right in front of me. It was then that I realised I was blaming the wrong people for my pain. 

We were all a victim of the The Order in some shape and form and if I had any chance of defeating them and returning the balance to our kind then I needed to accept what had already happened and stop running from the pain and my problems. If we were going to win and defeat The Order I needed to know what I was up against. 

"Mom, I need you tell me about the prophecy."

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