55. The Trial of Trust

Começar do início

"Ha!" Rhett smirked and adjusted his dark-green tie. "As it happens, luck has nothing to do with it. Dancing is my greatest strength."

"Is that right?"


We came upon the stairs at a moment where several other students were just leaving. I had no idea where Naomi and Nix were, but I figured they were mixed into the crowd somewhere. Keeping to the rail and going slow, it was just the two of us before long.

"Rhett." I glanced his way. "I think I'm just gonna head up to Lacroix. I don't want to be in a crowd tonight."

"You all right?"

"A little anxious."

"No worries." He flashed a conspiratorial smile, his pretty eyes glittering with mischief. "I'll tell them you came, saw, and headed out."

"You're the best."

"I know. Do me a favor, at least," Rhett said as we reached the bottom of the stairs. He turned to me and shoved his hands in his pants pockets. "Ask Lacroix to dance."

Dance with Lacroix? That sounded intimate. My face warmed just thinking of it. "Why?"

"You should make the most of it, you know? It is what it is."

I smiled. "Have fun, Rhett."

"You know I will. Night, Vee."

Deviating from the grand entrance, I opened the door to the left building. Even inside, I could hear the waltz-y music from the quad. The council officers were mingling, and some greeted me as I passed, but otherwise the walk was uneventful. It felt too short. I would have stood outside, awkwardly debating my entry, but my babysitters were close by and I didn't want to look foolish. Tightening the book to my chest, I entered the room and shut the door.

The council officers might have to follow, but they didn't have to be in the room. Especially not when I was with Lucien Lacroix.

"You wore it," Lucien said, peering at me from behind his desk. A small smile graced his lips. "Stunning."

"You don't have to say things like that." My stomach flopped and I inched closer. The invitation to dance was on the tip of my tongue but it was hard to say anything when I felt so exposed. "I was going to check the dance out with my friends. Just a few minutes. But I chickened out. Should have worn my sweatshirt."

"I do not make praise lightly."

Goddess. Didn't he have a filter? Steeling my expression, I set the book down on a desk. "I'm not very good at it, but would you, um, like to dance?"

Lucien's lips quirked into a small smile. "I would be delighted."

The chair scratched on the tile as he scoot back and rose. Somehow, I was relieved and terrified all at once. I hadn't thought so far ahead and now I had no idea what I should do. Lucien crossed the space between us and offered a hand, which I took. Either I was cold or he was burning, because the touch of his hand to my shoulder blade felt hot. Finally, I rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Have you danced before?"

"Am I doing it wrong already?"

Laughter rumbled deep from his chest. "No. You are doing fine."

"I danced once. Fifth grade. It was terrible," I admit, peering down at his feet. "If I step on your toes, we can stop."

"Once you get a feel for it, it is as easy as walking. We can keep it simple."

Simple was good. I could do simple. "Sure."

Moving with the muffled music, we started slow so I could get the hang of it. Maybe it was his understanding smile or the softness in his stare that wasn't usually there, but it didn't feel half as awkward as I expected it to. The way he danced was captivating. I almost felt bad that I was his dance partner. We only moved in two directions, back and forth, turning every time. There wasn't enough room to do more, anyway. Just as the song ended, he spun me into an unexpected twirl and caught my hand as I faced him again.

Cursed to the BoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora