54. To Bend the Knee

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Standing in the quad beneath the Wisteria, I peered beyond the floating orbs at the canvas canopies hanging from rooftop to rooftop. It was pouring rain, and still, the canopies held. Each spot of rain on the midnight fabric created a glowing dot that faded in seconds. With the rain coming down so relentlessly, it was an endless light show.

"Thank God we got those up, hm?" It was Tedric Halsey. He stroked his chin and smiled up at the canopies, his eyes flashing with pride.

"I almost hope it rains tomorrow."

"It would be fortuitous if it did." As Tedric gestured me to follow, I did. We moved beneath the tree, testing the pavers that surrounded its base. They were cleared of fallen petals, courtesy of some wind magic, and the stones themselves were colored copper and polished to such a smooth effect that they looked wet. With the orbs, it was going to be a pretty place to dance. Romantic, even. The wisteria dangled low, but not so much that they'd get in the way of any dancing that took place beneath the branches.

"You see the windows?"

I lifted my stare to the walls as we emerged from beneath the tree. It was hard to discern where the windows were, as a great effort had been made to make the walls appear as gold curtains. "No."

"Exactly. We'll have extra council police observing from up there if you do choose to come." Tedric faced me, his smile gone. He rubbed his forehead and glanced around. "Given the position I'm in, it's difficult to throw my weight around, but I thought you should know that Kieran Lacroix is in town and has made many requests. She seems to believe you'll be present at the dance and be leaving with her."

My stomach dropped. I definitely didn't like that. "I see."

"Vera, we must speak." It was Lucien Lacroix approaching, and by the sound of his voice, it was serious. If he wanted to take me to meet his mother and ship me off with her, he had another thing coming.

"Ah." Tedric moved past me and approached Lucien. "Tell me what you think, Lacroix! Fantastic, isn't it?"

"Quite." Lucien didn't smile and he didn't tear his gaze from me, even as Tedric wrapped his arm around his shoulder to steer him.

Feeling anxious, I cast Quick-Step. I didn't know with certainty what I was running from, but there was a Remnant on the other side of the quad. I could hide in the Fields of Fright for a bit. Apologies could be made later.

"Vera!" Lucien shouted, the distress in his voice almost enough to make me stop and look. Almost. Instead, I reached for the Remnant. I never made it. A rough hand grabbed me by the arm and spun me around while forcing my hand into a fist.

Lucien stared down at me, his eyes tight and his brows furrowed. Damn him and his vampire speed.

"Let my student go, Lacroix." Tedric approached, his voice distressed and his smile gone.

"My wife and I need to speak."

"What kind of power trip is this?" I yanked at my arm, unable to stop the quiver in my voice as I said, "Let go."

"Vera, stop." The clenching of his jaw was an unmistakable hint that I was pissing him off. "Running will not help."

Without so much as a farewell, Tedric vanished in a twist of magic and I couldn't blame him for leaving. There wasn't anything he could do in the situation.

"What's going on?"

"My mother." Lucien loosened the hold on my arm, but not enough that I could get free. "She wishes to speak with us. Running from her will only last so long. I need you to trust me."

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