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4 years later

I'm sitting in a café in Paris, with Fred holding my hand over the table. I found out that Draco put all his inheritance into my account, so that in case of his untimely death, the money doesn't go to his father. It took years, but I can finally look back on our relationship without crying. I took his advice, and I decided to tell our story. I thought it might help me get closure, and it is a story worth telling.

I started dating Fred last year. I love him, I do, but I will never love anyone the way I loved Draco. At some point, Fred and I agreed that neither of us will ever really be able to love properly. That day, on May 2nd, 1998, a part of both of us died, and we knew we would never be the same. So, we pulled together our broken parts, to make something partially whole. No one deserves half-assed love, and with the damage from the war, half is all we can muster. So, we found shelter in each other.

I still keep Draco's letter closely to me and read it every time I need a reason to keep going. I added the picture from our date to the envelope, so as not to forget what it is was like, loving him.

Fred is incredible to me, and he's helping me make my promise to Draco true.

"So, where are we going next?" he says, squeezing my hand lightly.

"Italy. I think I mentioned riding a gondola across Venice at some point."

"Sounds amazing. How much more of the novel do you have left?"

"Just the epilogue. I intend on making it end in the present moment. The main character is in Paris with her boyfriend, finishing the story of the man whose life she changed."

He smiles lightly "So, did it help? Getting the story out on paper, I mean?"

"I would like to think so Freddie."

He kisses my hand and says, "I'm proud of you Ellie."

"Thank you." I say, and smile at him.

"So, do you have a title for the book?"

"Regret." I say simply.

"Regret? Why? You don't regret your relationship."

"No, I don't. It's regret because of something he said once."

"Alright. I can't wait to be able to say my girlfriend is a published author."

"We don't know if it'll get published love."

"Oh, it will. I don't doubt it." I love him and his unfailing hopefulness.

"Any word from Georgie?" George stayed behind to take care of their joke shop, while Fred and I take our gap year, travelling.

I'm an auror, so if I'm really, horribly needed – dad or Sirius contact me. They both work in the Ministry now that blood supremacists aren't at the head of it. Kingsley is now Minister, and he loves to keep his staff diverse. However, it still turns heads when the Minister of Magic kisses me on the forehead and says "Good job today, Ellie. I'm proud of you." I guess you can say he has favourites.

"No, not yet. I'm sure he would apparate here if they needed me that bad."

We got a letter from George earlier, saying there was something wrong with the orders at the store. I asked Fred if he wanted us to go back to England, but he said he doesn't want to interrupt our trip unless absolutely necessary.


"Ready to go?" he says, reaching out his hand.


*Half a year later*

"Ellie, baby we'll be late." Fred yells from downstairs "You can't be late to your own book signing."

"They can't start it without me, can they?"

As it turns out, Fred was completely right. Two months after our trip to Paris, my book got picked up. It was published, I guess that people love tragic star-crossed lovers. However, I'm currently mustering all my confidence to go. I'm sitting on our bathroom floor, in the flat above the joke shop, sobbing.

"You were supposed to be here Dray." I whisper softly.

I hear Fred's footsteps up the stairs, and I quickly wipe my tears. He knocks softly on the door and says "Ellie?"

"Out in a minute." I say weakly.

"Open the door love." He says softly.

I unlock the door and he pushes it open. He looks at me sadly, and says "Are you sure you want to do this?"

He pulls me in, and I rest my head against his chest "I have to. I made a promise."

The end.

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