Chapter twenty-two

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Draco and I make our way to the dungeons, and I couldn't care less about houses, or prying eyes. Besides, everyone else is in class. We walk in, and Theo immediately jumps up from his bed and hugs Draco tightly.

"Never, and I mean never, scare me like that again." He says into Draco's shoulder. I can see his tears from my place by the door.

"Sorry mate. I promise it won't happen again." They break apart and Theo looks at me.

"Thank you, and sorry for getting you out of class."

I snort "You're joking, right? My only issue is that Alecto will kill both of us."

"We'll deal with her." He says simply.

"Oh Lupin you can enter we won't bite." Draco says and pulls me next to him.

"Well, I suppose you won't be going to classes for the rest of the day, but I have to, so see you later." Theo says and leaves the room.

Draco lays down in his bed and pulls me with him. I lay next to him, resting my head on his chest.

"Well, this is nice." He says, and I can actually hear his smile.

"What is?"

"This is the first time we've ever actually been in a bed."

"Oh you're right. Damn that's a sad thought."


"D'you mind if I sleep a little?" I ask, pulling his blanket over us.

"Not at all." He says kissing my forehead.

It only takes a few minutes and I'm out cold. One might say I had a rough morning.

I wake up to Draco shaking me softly "Five more minutes please." I whine and open my eyes.

"Sorry darling, McGonagall is asking for us."

"Bloody hell. Both of us?" he nods stiffly and I get up.

On the way to her classroom, we're both silent, I assume from what is undoubtedly about to be a very uncomfortable conversation.

"Come in, both of you." She says, waving her hand in our direction, not looking at us.

"I already talked to Mr. Nott, and he explained what happened. He said you got hurt Mr. Malfoy, and he asked you, Ellie, to come help him. I was informed he insulted Alecto too, not that I can blame him."

"He also told me how he believes you would never kill a classmate, so I went through the school asking around. Madam Pince informed me that you two have been spending time at the library, and that she promised she would keep it a secret. Upon further discussion with madam Pince, she told me a few other students were at the library at the same time as you. She told me she forbid anyone to go to the place where you were, but apparently not everyone got the memo. She also told me that more than one person saw Alecto Carrow leave the library that morning, and upon further questioning including Veritaserum and testing her wand, we determined it was Alecto who killed Mr. Smith, not you Mr. Malfoy. I sincerely apologize to both of you, and hope that this wasn't too damaging for you."

I almost choke on a laugh. The irony isn't lost on me. Not damaging, huh? Still, this is professor McGonagall, and I know she's trying her best.

"Don't worry professor, it wasn't your fault." I say softly.

"Still, it was beyond reason to even think you could have done this. Either of you, especially you Ellie."

"Alright, can I go now?" Draco says coldly.

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