Chapter eight

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It takes me way too long to drag myself back to my dorm. My lips are burning from the contact, but they're also swollen from kissing and I don't know what to do with myself at the present moment. Draco Malfoy. Draco fucking Malfoy. How could I have ever let this happen? How could I be so stupid? And why do I want more? Never mind that now, Eleanor. Gods I need to get a grip. And how could he be such a fucking prick? Ugh, he's going to drive me insane.

I sneak into the dorm; I don't want to wake Ginny if she's still asleep. And I pray that she is because I don't know how to communicate to another person right now. His words keep running through my brain and it won't stop. "Yes, Lupin. The girl I fucking fancy."

Prick. I hate him. And I hate how much I don't mean that. How in Merlin's sweet hell did I ever get here. I get to my bed, and I go to flick the lights on, I still need to get ready for bed. As soon as I do, I am met with Ginny sitting up on the bed, her leg propped up on pillows, and her arms crossed over her chest.

"Where have you been Eleanor." She snaps. Merlin have mercy.

"By the Lake." I say simply.

"Huh, right." She stops for a few seconds "And I suppose you tripped and that's why your whole neck is bruised. Please be careful with your next words Eleanor."

Fuck. A glamour. That's what I was supposed to do. Apparently, he kissed all sense out of me. Well, I can't fucking lie now. She's pretty much figured it out. Still, I decide my best bet is to play dumb. Oh, how low I've sunk.

"What marks?"

"Don't play dumb Ellie, we both know you're not."

"It must be an allergic reaction or something." I say, desperately trying to feign innocence.

"Oh yeah, definitely. You're allergic to someone's lips."

Shit. "It's really nothing Gin." I decide to ignore her jab. "Like I said, probably an allergic reaction."

She barks out a laugh "D'you really think I'm that stupid? Besides, your excuses are horrible." She stops for a couple of breaths and when she lures me in a false sense of safety, she starts again "So, who'd you snog?"

"No one, Ginny."

"Why won't you just tell me? You're supposed to be my best friend?" she fakes hurt, while her voice oozes amusement. Oh if she only knew who it was. She wouldn't be talking to me.

"It's no one. Really, Gin. I'm really tired I just want to sleep." Mercifully, I was getting ready for bed during her interrogation, so I slide under the covers of my four poster, and I flick off the lights.

"You're right, snogging is very tiresome." She snickers and I hear the bedsheets rustle.

I'll never hear the end of this. I simply say "night, Gin." and close my eyes. If only my brain would give me the mercy of sleep. Of course not. Right now seems like a great time to overanalyze my existence. It takes several long hours before I finally fall asleep.

Draco POV

I walk into the Common room, to find Nott lounging on the luxury black leather couch. I love this room. It itself is more home than my actual house will ever be.

"Hey mate." He says looking at me. A smirk rises on his lips. "So, who'd you snog this time?"

Bugger. How does he know everything? "How d'you know I snogged anyone."

"Mate, I've known you my whole life. I've seen you after snogging. Besides, your trousers are going to explode any minute now." He snickers again.

"Sod off, Nott."

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