Chapter eighteen

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I go back to my dorm, with the stupidest grin on my face. But I don't care. Not really. I haven't been truly happy in a very long time. I walk in, and I expect Ginny to jump up with a million questions, the way she usually does, but she remains seated at the edge of her bed. This can't be good.

"Hey Gin." The look on her face makes my smile drop completely.

"Hey Ellie." She says, not looking me in the eyes.

"What's wrong Ginny?" I ask, pure fear in my voice.

"Um, well, you see, there was this accident, and, umm, something happened and –"

"Ginny what is it?" I feign all the authority I can possibly muster into my voice.

"Sirius was attacked. According to your dad, it's pretty bad. He doesn't write a lot these days, because they intercept letters, so I knew something was off when I saw the letter."


"I'm sorry Ellie I didn't mean to."

"Ginny I don't care that you opened my letter what happened with Sirius?" my voice has gone shaky.

"Um, he was attacked by Death Eaters, your dad found him, and he took him to St. Mungo's."

"Alright." I turn to leave but she pulls me back.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to St. Mungo's."

"Ellie, you know we're not suppose-"

"I don't care. He's my family."

"Well then, I'm coming with."

We storm down the stairs and just when we reach the entrance to the castle, professors start filing out of the Great Hall.

"Well, well, well, where do you two think you're going?" Amycus asks, coming closer to us.

"To St. Mungo's."

"And whose permission did you get for that?"

"No ones." I grab Ginny's arm and pull her with me.

"You little bitch, you will answer properly to your superiors."

"I hope you don't mean yourself." I say at the same time professor McGonagall yells "Amycus."

"Minerva stay out of this."

"I will not. Severus control your friends. Ellie, why are you going to St. Mungo's?" she asks in a concerned tone.

"Padfoot was hurt." I say simply and Snape and McGonagall's eyes shift at the mention of Sirius. I suppose only they would know who it is I'm talking about.

"Right. Go on. You two will be excused from classes."

"Why would you let them do that you idiot? They disobeyed the rules."

"Amycus!" this time its Snape's voice that holds that cautious tone "Control yourself."

Well that was unexpected and my surprise is mirrored in everyone else but I don't have time for this.

"We'll be back as soon as possible professor."

"Alright." She says and lightly squeezes my shoulder. I can see the silent prayer there "please let him be okay."

Ginny and I reach the apparition point and soon we are in the receptionist desk of St. Mungo's.

"We're here for Black, Sirius."

"Are you family?"

"Yes, I'm his niece. My father is here with him."

"Follow me please."

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