Chapter twenty-six

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It's been a week and I can't possibly take it anymore. I have never been angry for more than an hour. And I've wanted to talk to her for days now, but I just don't have time. Now, I'm on my way to the Room or Requirement, where I asked Ginny to meet me half an hour earlier, so we could talk.

I walk in and she's already there. She looks at me, her eyes almost sparkling with excitement. I've been a piss poor friend if this is how my friends react to not talking to me after a week.

"Hey Gin."

"Hey Ellie." She replies apologetically.

I walk over to her and hug her. She takes a second, shocked and then she hugs back.

"I'm sorry." I say, still hugging her.

"What could you possibly be sorry for Ellie?"

"Ignoring you for a week." I say, releasing her from my bear hug.

"I'd ignore myself for longer, if I'm being honest." She says shrugging her shoulders.

I just laugh in response.

"I really am sorry Ellie. You have no idea just how much. I should have never lied to you."

"Yes, you shouldn't have lied to me, but what's done is done. I can't be mad at you Gin. I need my best friend."

"I know, me too." She says and then her face lights up "So, how's it going with sexy blonde Slytherin man?"

"Please don't call him that, that's weird."

"Fine. How's it going with Satan's spawn?" I choke on a laugh.

"It's good. He's very nice to me Gin."

"Oh, how so? Nice is hardly a word I would use to describe Draco Malfoy."

"I know. Well, he did my homework, he helped me when I passed out, he made me promise to let him help me live out my dream and travel."

"I'm sorry, what? Passed out? Travel? What?"

I laugh again "Yes, I passed out the other day in the library. It wasn't a big deal, I just hadn't slept or ate properly in a few days so it caught up with me."

"Merlin's buttocks, are you insane?"

"Possibly, I dunno. But it happened because I had so much work to do and I couldn't catch up, so he wrote a few of my essays."

"That IS sweet, fuck." She says, feigning frustration. "What about the traveling thing?"

"He asked me what my dream was, I told him it was travel, he made me promise I'd travel with him if we survive this."

"Oh that is so romantic. I hate it."

"Gin." I warn, laughing.

"Sorry, I just can't wrap my mind around Draco Malfoy caring about another human being."

"I know, it is odd."

"Do you think we're ready?" she asks after a brief pause, her voice taking on a somber note.

"Merlin, no. Do you?"

"Fuck no. And it's terrifying."

"I know, I wish I did more."

"You did more than enough Ellie. The truth is, we're still fucking children, forced to grow up too fast. It's no wonder we're not ready."

"But it's our reality Gin, we have no choice."

"It's so unfair."

"I know."

At that moment the door opens and members start filing in. I guess it's time for the meeting. I forgot about it if I'm being honest, I missed talking to Ginny.

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