Chapter twenty-eight

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After the DA meeting, I head back to Draco's dorm. I hated all of the vary eyes on me, because apparently the whole school knows what happened to me, so the Slytherin Common Room is a safe haven. No one there gives a single damn about what happens to me.

I walk in, and per usual Parkinson is on the couch with Zabini, Goyle and Crabbe.

"Heard you were Crucioed half-breed. Got what you deserve, didn't you?"

"Parkinson!" Zabini warns from behind her.

"What? Don't tell me you have a boner for her too. As if Draco and Theo aren't enough."

"You're being a bitch. Stop it." he says simply, completely ignoring her jab. Impressive.

"Stop defending her." She says, fuming.

"I'm no-"

"Thanks, Blaise, but I can defend myself." I say sweetly and turn to Parkinson "Darling, it's not my fault I did what you couldn't do in seven years. Jealousy makes you age faster."

I turn to go to Draco's dorm and I hear whoops and howls behind me. I only laugh and open his door. Inside, he's sitting on the bed, reading his book. A perfect man if you ask me.

"Hey darling." He says, his eyes glued to the page "What's with all of the commotion?"

"Oh I just put Parkinson in her place. She was being obnoxious again."

I sit on the bed next to him, he pulls me towards him, and kisses me, smiling against my lips "That's my girl."

I laugh a little and ask "What are you reading?"

"The picture of Dorian Grey."

"That's one of my favorites."

"I know. That's why I'm reading it."

At that exact moment, I knew I couldn't possibly love anyone more.

"Marry me." I say, staring at him with what must be the creepiest look possible.

He chokes out a laugh "Are you proposing because I'm reading a book you like?"

"Yes. That's like the highest form of love."

He laughs again "You're crazy. And I adore you." And then he kisses me.

I pull away and lean down on his chest, reading the page he's on. At this point, I know this book better than I know my family tree, I don't care what page he's on.

"Wait." He says and pulls me so that I am sitting in between his legs "You can't read it like that, it's uncomfortable."

"Have I told you how much I love you?"

He laughs once again "I think you might've mentioned it darling."

Two minutes pass and he asks "Turn?"

I nod, and he turns the page. We stay like that for some time, I don't even know how long, but when we reach the point where we're both barely keeping our eyes open, he leaves the book on the nightstand and then he pulls the covers over us.

"Goodnight darling." He says tiredly.

"Goodnight love." I say and he kisses my forehead, and almost immediately I'm out cold.

"Well, well. Look what have we here. Too bad your mutt father couldn't protect you well enough. Crucio!"

Searing, blinding pain. My eyes water and I start screaming.

"No! Please stop! No! It hurts, please. Please, I'm begging you."

"Draco! Draco please help me. Draco!"

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